This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 5, 2023. It is now read-only.
Releases: reload/dpl-design-system
Releases · reload/dpl-design-system
- b886934: Address eslint errors and adjust the eslintrc file to fit the repository (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 465e4e4: Disable eslint for initaccordion file console infos (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- f531c09: Remove the old stylelint and eslint config files (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 2fcbda8: Use yarn package manager instead of npm, and update all references to it (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 34a63a8: Update react typings to fix availabiliy label HOC typescript error (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 9f10bbd: Fix eslint errors in material app and material header (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- daf49b8: Add .editorconfig file to the repository to handle code editor settings (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 7305987: Delete all rules for .js and .jsx files from .eslintrc (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 413a0ad: Update the .vscode.example folder (Adam Antal) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 18012cc: Move import React from "react" to start (kasperbirch1) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 086beda: Removing unnecessary React imports (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- a995dd4: Remove import React necessity (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 50a6c5e: Add react import in index file (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 5f04223: Apply latest eslint rules (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#87
- 3a0fbf8: Add material-manifestation-item (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#88
- ef1b315: Separate the details list (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#88
- 89ed698: Make details list work (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#88
- 1dedce5: Refactor details list to list description (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#88
- 72e5ac4: Cleaning up base.scss after restructuring (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#88
- 6d46bbe: Reinsert comment that was removed by mistake (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#88
- 0da2eb8: Fix local css/scss linting error (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,#91
- 2b45fa7: Fixing latest stylelint errors (Mikkel Jakobsen) #139,#11,#135,#144,[danskernesdigitalebibliotek#91](
- 7396912: Move reservation modal to Library / Modals (kasperbirch1) #139,#144,#142
- 9c1fc39: Move modal css class from shared.scss to modal.scss (kasperbirch1) #139,#144,#142
- dc391a7: Add ModalWrapper (kasperbirch1) #139,#144,#142
- 35f4a3b: Change name from ModalWrapper to Modal (kasperbirch1) #139,#144,#142
- b9bb0f8: Fix spacing for ModalLoan (kasperbirch1) #139,#144,#142
- a33e18b: Merge branch 'release/4' into fix-stylelint (Kasper Garnæs) #139
- 40711d0: Add bottom padding to material page (Adam Antal)
- bee7994: Add and use placeholders for @extends to comply with Stylelint rules (Kasper Garnæs) #11
- d24d31a: Fix code style according to Prettier (Kasper Garnæs) #11
- 6d75ce0: Allow empty CSS files (Kasper Garnæs) #11
- dcaa4b7: Enable and configure BEM naimics rule for Stylelint (Kasper Garnæs) #11
- 914a6c8: Ignore BEM rules in areas with variable interpolation (Kasper Garnæs) #11
- 3d77940: Make pause modal comply with BEM rules (Kasper Garnæs) #11
- e568d1f: Add support for continual watching/linting of files when developing (Kasper Garnæs) #11