A git repo gathering some modules for analysis of smFISH bio images. This project constituted my masters project, defended on June 2018 at Mines Paristech, Paris, France. I was hosted by the CBIO at Institut Curie, and supervised by Thomas Walter.
The core of this project is to study subcellular localization patterns of mRNAs. It involved the crafting of the whole treatment pipeline, from image filtering to image classification, passing by several segmentation substeps. A detailed report is given in report.pdf.
- I/O
- Image filtering
- Spot detection (mRNAs detection)
- Unsupervised Nuclei semantic segmentation from DAPI
- Unsupervised Cytoplasm semantic segmentation from cell mask channel
- SNR (signal to noise ratio) computation for microscopy types comparison
- Single-cell image classification into identified localization patterns
- Supervised semantic segmentation of nuclei from the Cell mask channel
- Supervised semantic segmentation of individual cells from the cell mask channel (not completely mature)
- Luigi pipelines for image db handling, model training and evaluation
Below are typical images from confocal microscopy we work with (channels left to right: smFISH, cell mask, DAPI):
(DoG filtering + local max filter in the [x, y, z, kernel size] dimensions)
Zoom in:
(bi class Otsu thresholding)
Zoom in:
(bi class UNET trained on images segmented with the above method for the ground truth (checked by hand), raw cell mask images as input):
Zoom in:
(GMM thresholding for mask segmentation + watershed segmentation of touching cells):
Zoom in:
Contains all the low level features such as: filtering (gaussian flavored filters or FFT filtering) in filters, segmentation (morphological segmentation of nuclei or cytoplasms) (segmentation.py), spot detection in spotdetector.py, along with some visualization scripts (basic) in vizu.py , and all the utils. The tools.py file contains some parallelization tools. Tools.py, useable_functions.py, fitters.py, smFISHanalyser.py could be disregarded as they implement deprecated methods.
The Image.py file defines the mother classes (i.e. FQimage for the smFISH channel, DAPIimage, CYTimage) which will call all the methods defined in the files mentioned above. It implements the I/O for readig tiff images, use case:
- For FQ images
fqimage = FQimage()
fqimage.load("path_to_image", shape=(1024, 1024, 35), dtype='uint16')
# FFT filter an image
# Detect mRNAs
# Show spots
- For DAPI images
dapi = DAPIimage()
dapi.load("path", shape=(512, 512, 35))
# Segment using Otsu (fastest method but not the most robust)
# Show nuclei
- For cell mask images, which need to be loaded along with identified nuclei for segmentation.
cyt = CYTimage()
cyt.load("path", dapi.nuclei)
Contains script for training the UNET applied to segmentation of nuclei on cell mask images. Implementation is in keras with several Tensorflow extra operators such as the loss function design, or the various callbacks (such as the tensorboard)
- feed_func.py defines data generator and data augmentation operators.
- unet.py defines the unet architecture. Strategy to segmend touching cells is the one proposed in the original paper (i.e. inserting an inter-cell furrow which corresponds to a specific class with a much higher weight). In practice, this weight is changed dynamically from balanced (all class get the same weight) to its final value (usually 5x more weight given to the furrow class) through a keras callback.
- main.py runs.
The tensorboard implemented allows one to track segmentation results on the test set epoch per epoch (with ground truth and prediction enlightened).
Use case:
Train Unet for segmentation of Nuclei and/or individual cells from cell mask
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs for which to train, there is no early
stopping yet because of the high unstability of the
training procedure.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size used for optimization, 10 images already
leads to a memory overload.
--logdir LOGDIR DEPRECATED, the logdir name is only conditioned by the
parameters input.
--predict PREDICT DEPRECATED, useless with the last Tensorboard
implementated in callbacks.
--repeat REPEAT Number of time to repeat the initial dataset, heavy
data augmentation allows to go up to 15 to obtain a
good generalization error.
--gpu GPU GPU to use for training, should be disabled if the
training is operated on SLURM or any other cluster
--weights WEIGHTS Weights given to each class. If two, only nuclei are
segmented. If three, background, cells and cell
borders are segmented, if four, all elements are
--pretrain PRETRAIN Whether to use a pretrained model (i.e. with all
weights equal to one).
--focal FOCAL Scaling parameter used for the Focal loss.
--mix MIX Tradeoff between focal loss and dice loss. Loss = mix
* diceloss + (1 - mix) * focal_loss
This module implements attemps to generate cell landscape using variational autoencoders. No approach has yielded satisying results as of now.
Contains all the script necessary to train classification model. Are implemented a pre-trained Inception v3 and a Squeezenet, along with various sub models used to reproduce some papers.
- Augmentation.py defines all the data augmentation operations used for training the model. All those operations were heavily optimized for speed.
- Preprocessing.py defines the Luigi tasks called before training the model, i.e. turning the raw data (multiple unstructured jsons) into cleaner dataframes. Those dataframes carry only indices (sets of points defining the cell membrane, nuclei membrane, mRNAs).
- Callbacks.py defines the keras callbacks used during training (tensorboard and others)
- mnist_poc.py contains objects and methods used to implement the Unsupervised domain adaptation by backpropagation and Deep Reconstruction-Classification Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation papers for domain adaptation, tested against the MNIST dataset (reproducing the papers)
- models.py defines the keras models used.
- Tools.py could be disregarded.
- utils.py
- main.py defines the various Luigi tasks such as training any of the models, evaluating them, predicting on real data with some trained model, etc. As of today, main.py implements several tasks such as:
- Training on the synthetic images, supports both single and multi GPU training:
python main.py Train --local-scheduler --logdir 'test' --gpu '0,1,2' --model 'squeezenet'
- Train in a domain adaptation fashion following 'Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation', Lempitsky, Ganin (2014):
python main.py TrainDA --local-scheduler --lam 0.5 --gpu '0' --fex 'simple'
- Train in a domain adaptation fashion following 'Deep Reconstruction-Classification Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation', Ghifary, Kleijn, Zhang, Balduzzi, Li (2016). Only implemented for a proof of concept on the MNIST dataset.
python main.py ReconstructorMNIST --local-scheduler