The Golang sdk for building Renegade clients
The majority of the client's goes through the RenegadeClient
type. The client encapsulates the environment specific config information. You can create a client as follows:
package renegade_demo
import (
renegade_client ""
renegade_wallet ""
const (
// baseUrl is the location at which to dial the relayer
baseUrl = ""
func main() {
// Practically speaking you will bring your own Arbitrum private key
privateKey, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
// Create a new renegade client
client, err := renegade_client.NewSepoliaRenegadeClient(baseUrl, privateKey)
if err != nil {
Behind the scenes, this method deterministically derives a Renegade wallet from your Ethereum keypair. The client will refer to this derived wallet for all further operations.
For first time users of the protocol, the first step is to create a new Renegade wallet. This is as simple as:
wallet, err := client.CreateWallet()
When reconnecting to a relayer after some time, it is worth checking that the relayer has indexed your wallet from its on-chain storage. This can be done as:
wallet, err := client.CheckWallet()
This method will check for the configured wallet in the relayer's state. If not found, the client will instruct the relayer to find the wallet on-chain.
Suppose we want to sell Bitcoin (wBTC) in the darkpool. The first step is to deposit from your configured arbitrum address:
wbtcMint := "0xa91d929ea161688448f61cb3865a6d948d8bd904"
amount := big.NewInt(1000000) // 10^6
wallet, err = client.Deposit(wbtcMint, amount, privateKey)
Note that the amount field is not decimal adjusted; for wBTC -- which has 8 decimals on mainnet -- this translates to 0.01 wBTC. Tokens and their mint addresses that renegade supports can be found at the following locations:
Note: It is not required that a wallet contain a balance that capitalizes each of their open orders; open orders without a balance backing them will simply not be matched. Therefore, this step is not strictly a prerequisite to the following step in which we place an order.
Assuming we wish to sell the wBTC that we deposited in the previous step:
btcMint := "0xa91d929ea161688448f61cb3865a6d948d8bd904"
usdcMint := "0x404b26cd9055b35581c68ba9a2b878cca971b0a7"
amount, _ := wallet.GetBalance(btcMint) // Sell the whole balance
order := renegade.NewOrderBuilder().
wallet, err = client.PlaceOrder(&order)
Note: For the moment, all pairs are USDC quoted. E.g. Renegade does not currently support selling wBTC/wETH.
Once the order is placed with a balance to capitalize it, the matching engine will match the order with counter-flow that it finds.
Suppose the order above matched, and your wallet now holds roughly 600000000 USDC ($600 decimal adjusted), which you wish to withdraw back to your Arbitrum wallet. The first step is to pay fees. The Renegade protocol requires that all relayer and protocol fees are paid out before any balance is withdrawn.
The following snippet pays fees for the wallet then withdraws the entire USDC balance:
wallet, err = client.PayFees()
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
usdcBalance, err := wallet.GetBalance(usdcMint)
wallet, err = client.Withdraw(usdcMint, usdcBalance)
package test
import (
renegade_client ""
renegade_wallet ""
const (
// baseUrl is the location at which to dial the relayer
baseUrl = ""
func main() {
// Practically speaking you will bring your own Arbitrum private key
privateKey, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
// Create a new renegade client
client, err := renegade_client.NewSepoliaRenegadeClient(baseUrl, privateKey)
if err != nil {
// Lookup your Renegade wallet (you should create one if not already done)
wallet, err := client.CheckWallet()
if err != nil {
// Deposit 0.01 wBTC
wbtcMint := "0xa91d929ea161688448f61cb3865a6d948d8bd904"
amount := big.NewInt(1000000) // 2^16
wallet, err = client.Deposit(wbtcMint, amount, privateKey)
if err != nil {
// Sell 0.01 wBTC
usdcMint := "0x404b26cd9055b35581c68ba9a2b878cca971b0a7"
amount, _ = wallet.GetBalance(wbtcMint)
order := renegade_wallet.NewOrderBuilder().
wallet, err = client.PlaceOrder(&order)
if err != nil {
// ... Matching Engine Matches Order ... //
// Pay fees and withdraw
wallet, err = client.PayFees()
if err != nil {
usdcBalance, _ := wallet.GetBalance(usdcMint)
wallet, err = client.Withdraw(usdcMint, usdcBalance)
if err != nil {
orderId := wallet.Orders[0].Id
wallet, err := client.CancelOrder(orderId)
To get the non-empty balances and orders on a wallet:
balances := wallet.GetNonzeroBalances()
orders := wallet.GetNonzeroOrders()
The types on these balance fields are wallet.Scalar
types. These represent values in our zero-knowledge proof system, but can sometimes be difficult to work with otherwise. For that reason, the scalar type implements a few methods that convert to/from more ergonomic types.
amount := wallet.Balances[0].Amount // type `Scalar`
amtBigint := amount.ToBigInt() // type `*big.Int`
amtHexString := amount.ToHexString() // type `string`
Because our system encodes all its computation in zero-knowledge "circuits", the size of each wallet must be known ahead of time. To this end, we impose the restriction that each wallet has at most MAX_BALANCES = 10
balances, and MAX_ORDERS = 4
The SDK and the relayer will prevent you from allocating more balances and orders than are allowed.
We also allow for matches to be generated externally; meaning generated as a match between a Renegade user -- with state committed into the darkpool -- and an external user, with no state in the darkpool.
To generate an external match, a client first submits an ExternalOrder
to the relayer; which will attempt to match the order against consenting internal orders.
If a match is found, the relayer responds with a quote containing:
- The match itself, specifying the amount and mint (ERC20 address) of the tokens bought and sold, fees, etc.
- A signature of the quote; which allows the client to authoritatively assemble the quote into a match bundle
If the client is satisfied with the quote, they can assemble the quote into a match bundle. This bundle contains:
- The match itself, specifying the amount and mint (ERC20 address) of the tokens bought and sold
- An EVM transaction that the external party may submit in order to settle the match with the darkpool
When the protocol receives such a transaction, it will update the internal party's state to reflect the match, and settle any obligations to the external party via ERC20 transfers.
As such, the external party must approve the darkpool contract to spend the tokens it sells to the internal party before the transaction can be successfully submitted.
Generating an external match breaks down into three steps:
- Fetch a quote for the order.
- If the quote is acceptable, assemble the quote into a bundle. Bundles contain a transaction that may be used to settle the trade on-chain.
- Submit the settlement transaction on-chain.
A full example can be found in examples/01_external_match/main.go
Example Code
// ... See `examples/01_external_match/main.go` for the prelude ... //
func main() {
// ... Token Approvals to Darkpool ... //
// Get API credentials from environment
apiKey := os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_MATCH_KEY")
apiSecret := os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_MATCH_SECRET")
if apiKey == "" || apiSecret == "" {
apiSecretKey, err := new(wallet.HmacKey).FromBase64String(apiSecret)
if err != nil {
externalMatchClient := external_match_client.NewTestnetExternalMatchClient(apiKey, &apiSecretKey)
// Request an external match
// We can denominate the order size in either the quote or base token with
// `WithQuoteAmount` or `WithBaseAmount` respectively.
quoteAmount := new(big.Int).SetUint64(20_000_000) // $20 USDC
minFillSize := big.NewInt(0)
order, err := api_types.NewExternalOrderBuilder().
if err != nil {
if err := getQuoteAndSubmit(order, externalMatchClient); err != nil {
// getQuoteAndSubmit gets a quote, assembled is, then submits the bundle
func getQuoteAndSubmit(order *api_types.ApiExternalOrder, client *external_match_client.ExternalMatchClient) error {
// 1. Get a quote from the relayer
fmt.Println("Getting quote...")
quote, err := client.GetExternalMatchQuote(order)
if err != nil {
return err
if quote == nil {
fmt.Println("No quote found")
return nil
// ... Check if the quote is acceptable ... //
// 2. Assemble the bundle
fmt.Println("Assembling bundle...")
bundle, err := client.AssembleExternalQuote(quote)
if err != nil {
return err
if bundle == nil {
fmt.Println("No bundle found")
return nil
// 3. Submit the bundle
fmt.Println("Submitting bundle...")
if err := submitBundle(*bundle); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Bundle submitted successfully!\n")
return nil
// submitBundle submits the bundle to the sequencer
func submitBundle(bundle external_match_client.ExternalMatchBundle) error {
// Initialize eth client
ethClient, err := getEthClient()
if err != nil {
privateKey, err := getPrivateKey()
if err != nil {
// Send the transaction to the sequencer
gasPrice, err := ethClient.SuggestGasPrice(context.Background())
if err != nil {
nonce, err := ethClient.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), crypto.PubkeyToAddress(privateKey.PublicKey))
if err != nil {
ethTx := types.NewTx(&types.DynamicFeeTx{
ChainID: big.NewInt(chainId), // Sepolia chain ID
Nonce: nonce,
GasTipCap: gasPrice, // Use suggested gas price as tip cap
GasFeeCap: new(big.Int).Mul(gasPrice, big.NewInt(2)), // Fee cap at 2x gas price
Gas: uint64(10_000_000), // Gas limit
To: &bundle.SettlementTx.To, // Contract address
Value: bundle.SettlementTx.Value, // No ETH transfer
Data: []byte(bundle.SettlementTx.Data), // Contract call data
// Sign and send transaction
signer := types.LatestSignerForChainID(big.NewInt(chainId))
signedTx, err := types.SignTx(ethTx, signer, privateKey)
if err != nil {
err = ethClient.SendTransaction(context.Background(), signedTx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Transaction submitted! Hash: %s\n", signedTx.Hash().Hex())
return nil
The Renegade relayer will cover the gas cost of external match transactions, up to a daily limit. When requested, the relayer will re-route the settlement transaction through a gas rebate contract. This contract refunds the cost of the transaction (in ether) to the configured address. If no address is given, the rebate is sent to tx.origin
To request gas sponsorship, simply add WithRequestGasSponsorship
to the AssembleExternalMatchOptions
refundAddr := "0xdeadbeef..."
options := external_match_client.NewAssembleExternalMatchOptions().
WithGasRefundAddress(&refundAddr) // tx.origin if not set
bundle, err := client.AssembleExternalMatchWithOptions(quote, options)
// ... Submit bundle ... //
For a full example, see examples/05_gas_sponsored_match/main.go
- There is some overhead to the gas rebate contract, so the gas cost paid by the user is non-zero. This value is consistently around 17k gas, or around $0.0004 with current gas prices.
- The gas estimate returned by
will not reflect the rebate, as the rebate does not reduce the gas used; it merely refunds the ether paid for the gas. If you wish to understand the true gas cost ahead of time, the transaction can be simulated (e.g. withalchemy_simulateExecution
or similar). - The rate limits currently sponsor up to ~500 matches/day ($100 in gas).
The quote returned by the relayer for an external match has the following structure:
: The original external orderMatchResult
: The result of the match, including:Fees
: The fees for the matchRelayerFee
: The fee paid to the relayerProtocolFee
: The fee paid to the protocol
: The asset transfer the external party will receive, after fees are deducted.Mint
: The token addressAmount
: The amount to receive
: The asset transfer the external party needs to send. No fees are charged on the send transfer. (same fields asReceive
: The price used for the matchTimestamp
: The timestamp of the quote
When assembled into a bundle (returned from AssembleExternalQuote
or GetExternalMatchBundle
), the structure is as follows:
: The final match resultFees
: The fees to be paidReceive
: The asset transfer the external party will receiveSend
: The asset transfer the external party needs to sendSettlementTx
: The transaction to submit on-chainType
: The transaction typeTo
: The contract addressData
: The calldataValue
: The ETH value to send
See example 02_external_quote_validation
for an example of using these fields to validate a quote before submitting it.
The rate limits for external match endpoints are as follows:
- Quote: 100 requests per minute
- Assemble: 5 unsettled bundles per minute. That is, if an assembled bundle is submitted on-chain, the rate limiter will reset. If an assembled match is not settled on-chain, the rate limiter will remove one token from the per-minute allowance.
Renegade supports a specific set of tokens for external matches. These can be found at:
Note: For external matches, Renegade supports swapping native ETH directly. To do so, specify the baseMint
as 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE
In testnet, we use a set of mock ERC20s that match the mainnet tokens. For convenience while testing, you can use the Renegade faucet to fund your wallet with testnet tokens. This is most easily accessed through the API using the curl request below
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"tokens": [
"ticker": "WETH",
"amount": "1"
"ticker": "USDC",
"amount": "10000"
"address": "<ADDRESS>"
Note that the amount
fields here are decimal adjusted, e.g. 1 WETH here is 10^18 wei.