This repository is a configurations repository. It intends to have example configurations of most used apps in Fedora; respecting the "Fedorian Way" of doing thigs.
IMHO, most HowTos and recommendations, work "against" the distro. The phylosophy of this project is to work "in favour" of the distribution; leveraging from all the integration and security it already brings.
This is a new project and collaboration is very welcome.
Renich Bon Ciric [email protected]
The branches are all specific configuration examples for daemons or services. Master should contain only general use files.
Relevant README files should be placed along the directories.
As FHS 3 or > as possible:
An effort should be made to provide empty directories; which git doesn't follow. I refuse to use empty .gitignore files. If somebody comes up with something, let me know.