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CIF Community

Wes edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Mailing list

The primary place to interact with the CIF community is on the CIF Users group within Google Groups.


You can also find a handful of people hanging out in the #cif channel on Freenode.

Community rules

These rules aim to set the expectations of the CIF community; it's not a set of restrictions but a set of expectations enabling the sharing of good ideas.

  • Topics should be focused around the development of, integration of CIF and CIF like technologies
  • Vendors are more than welcome, ultimately we want integration, this is how we facilitate the growth of sharing threat intelligence
  • NO Sales Pitches for non-open source, freely available software unless it's directly relevant to CIF or CIF integration
  • Vendors SHALL NOT compare their products to another in this forum (you have a website; you may do it there)
  • Vendors that leverage the CIF community as a means for "cold-calling" it's members, at the discretion of the moderators will be banned and publicly cited
  • we reserve the right to kick anyone off the list for these reasons or any other reason deemed by the moderators / community at-large
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