Didery.py is a python library and command line wrapper for communicating with didery servers. It handles broadcasting data and polling data from remote didery servers and verifying consensus on the returned data.
You can find the docs for the library here
You will need python 3.6 and libsodium installed to run didery.py. You can find python 3.6 here and libsodium here. It is recommended that you also setup a python virtual environment as shown here.
To install didery.py start your virtual environment and run the command below:
$ pip install -e didery.py/
To see the command line options use the command below:
$ didery --help
Usage: didery [OPTIONS] CONFIG
-i, --incept Send a key rotation history inception event.
-u, --upload Upload a new otp encrypted private key.
-r, --rotate Rotate public/private key pairs.
-U, --update Update otp encrypted private key.
-R, --retrieve Retrieve key rotation history.
-d, --download Download otp encrypted private key.
-D, --delete Delete rotation history.
-m, --remove Remove otp encrypted private key.
-e, --events Pull a record of all history rotation events for a
specified did.
-v Verbosity of console output. There are 5 verbosity levels
from '' to '-vvvv.'
-M, --mute Mute all console output except prompts.
--data PATH Path to the data file.
--did TEXT decentralized identifier(did).
--save DIRECTORY Directory to store generated key files in.
--help Show this message and exit.
The CLI requires a path to a json formatted config file with a list of didery endpoints as shown below.
"servers": ["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:8000"]
"servers" [list] required
- A list of server address strings. This must be supplied so the library knows what servers to broadcast and poll from. To determine if there is a consensus on polling a 2/3 of the servers must return matching responses.
For certain commands it is necessary to supply a data file. The file should be json formatted and will contain either the rotation history or the one time pad(otp) encrypted blob. The data file is required for the following options:
The file should follow the format below for history data:
"history": {
"id": "did:dad:Qt27fThWoNZsa88VrTkep6H-4HA8tr54sHON1vWl6FE=",
"signer": 0,
"id" [string] required
- Decentralized identifier (DID).
"signer" [integer] required
- 0 based index into signers field. Rotation events signer field will always be 1 or greater.
"signers" [list] required
- List of all public keys. Must contain at least two keys for --upload and 3 or more for --rotation.
The file should follow the format below for otp data:
"otp": {
"blob": "AeYbsHot0pmdWAcgTo5sD8iAuSQAfnH5U6wiIGpVNJQQoYKBYrPPxAoIc1i5SHCIDS8KFFgf8i0tDq8XGizaCgo9yjuKHHNJZFi0QD9K6Vpt6fP0XgXlj8z_4D-7s3CcYmuoWAh6NVtYaf_GWw_2sCrHBAA2mAEsml3thLmu50Dw",
"id": "did:dad:Qt27fThWoNZsa88VrTkep6H-4HA8tr54sHON1vWl6FE="
"id" [string] required
- Decentralized identifier (DID).
"blob" [string] required
- otp encrypted private keys.