A Python implementation of Gaussian Mixture Model.
GMM is a type of clustering algorithm, whereby each cluster is determined by a Gaussian distribution.
The underlying assumption is that each data point could have been generated by the mixture of the distributions, with a corresponding
probability to belong to each of the clusters.
The Expectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm is used to find maximum likelihood estimates of parameters (for GMM the
parameters are weights, means and covariance).
The algorithm consists of two steps:
- E-step: Estimate the probability of data points to belong to each distribution (denoted as z)
- M-step: Update the value of the model parameters based on the estimation of z the E-step
These two steps are repeated until convergence.
The algorithm is implemented using NumPy and Scipy: em_algorithm.py.
An example of the algorithm applied on a 2D generated dataset could be found in GMM_example.ipynb.
python main.py (--find_num_clusters_range | --n_clusters) [--data_path] [OPTIONS]
--find_num_clusters_range Two numbers that specify the range of search for the number of clusters. Must be > 1
--n_clusters Use the given number of clusters (> 1) as a parameter for EM algorithm
--data_path Path to a binary file in NumPy .npy format, containing a array of [n_samples, n_features]
--max_iter Max iterations for EM algorithm, default is 100
reads data from --data_path
Then, there are two options to run GMM on the data:
- Use the given
as a parameter for GMM:
python main.py --n_clusters 4 --data_path /path/to/file
- Search for the number of clusters in
range, that fits best to the generated data:
python main.py --find_num_clusters_range 2 10 --data_path /path/to/file