Data Analytics in Julia [🔗 Book]
By Rongxin Ouyang, PhD student in Computational Communication, NUS
This short book provides a practical guide for data analysis in social science using Julia. It replicates common analytical steps in the field.
Because of its speed.
- ✅ Why do we need Julia
- ✅ How to install Julia
- ✅ How to install Julia as a Jupyter kernal for notebooks
- ✅ The basics of operations, data structures, packages, methods, and define functions
✅ Chapter 2. Data Loading and Selection
- ✅ Load a dataframe from a local file, an online link, and a common datasets; or create it from scratch
- ✅ Select by rows, columns, and conditions.
✅ Chapter 3. Transformation and calculation
- ✅ Split and combine
- ✅ Grouping
- ✅ Sorting
- ✅ Transforming between long / wide tables
- ✅ Find / fill / drop missing values
✅ Chapter 4. Pipeline and Useful Packages
- ✅ Data pipeline
- ✅ Manipulate strings
- ✅ Network
✅ Chapter 5.1 Models and Tests
- ✅ Common parametric tests (t-tests and ANOVA)
- ✅ Regression (multi-variate regression and fixed effects models)
- ✅ Path Analysis
- ✅ Mediation
- ✅ Moderation
- ✅ Conditional Path Analysis
✅ Chapter 5.2 Models and Tests (continued)
- 🚧 / ✅ Counterfactual Framework
- 🚧 / ✅ Instrumental Variables
- 🚧 / ✅ Regression Discontinuity Design
- 🚧 / ✅ Difference-in-Difference
- 🚧 / ✅ Synthetic Control
- 🚧 / ✅ Synthetic Difference-in-Difference
- 🚧 / ✅ Counterfactual Framework
✅ Chapter 6. Visualization (ggplot2-like)
- ✅ Scatterplot, barplot, lineplot, and histogram
- ✅ Styles and themes
- ✅ Multiple-plots in facets
✅ Chapter 7. Using R and Python in Julia
- ✅ Using R functions and R code blocks in Julia
- ✅ Using Python functions and Python code blocks in Julia
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