iqoption api to connect to (unofficial), with .netcore based for another framework you can suggest,
PM> Install-Package iqoptionapi
This api using websocket to communicate realtime-data to Iqoption server through secured websocket channel, so the realtime meta data that come on this channel will be handles by .net reactive programming called "Rx.NET", cause of a haundred of data type stream on only one channle so we need to selected subscribe on specific topic.
- BuyBack Position
var client = new IqOptionApi("emailaddress", "password");
//begin connect
if(await client.ConnectAsync()){
//get user profile
var profile = await client.GetProfileAsync();
// open order EurUsd in smallest period (1min)
var exp = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);
var buyResult = await api.BuyAsync(ActivePair.EURUSD, 1, OrderDirection.Call, exp);
// get candles data
var candles = await api.GetCandlesAsync(ActivePair.EURUSD, TimeFrame.Min1, 100, DateTimeOffset.Now);
_logger.LogInformation($"CandleCollections received {candles.Count}");
// subscribe to pair to get real-time data for tf1min and tf5min
var streamMin1 = await api.SubscribeRealtimeDataAsync(ActivePair.EURUSD, TimeFrame.Min1);
var streamMin5 = await api.SubscribeRealtimeDataAsync(ActivePair.EURUSD, TimeFrame.Min5);
.Subscribe(candleInfo => {
_logger.LogInformation($"Now {ActivePair.EURUSD} {candleInfo.TimeFrame} : Bid={candleInfo.Bid}\t Ask={candleInfo.Ask}\t");
// after this line no-more realtime data for min5 print on console
await api.UnSubscribeRealtimeData(ActivePair.EURUSD, TimeFrame.Min5);
This is example use cases that this api could solve your problems
public async Task TradingFollower_ExampleAsync() {
var trader = new IqOptionApi("[email protected]", "passcode");
var follower = new IqOptionApi("[email protected]", "passcode");
await Task.WhenAll(trader.ConnectAsync(), follower.ConnectAsync());
trader.InfoDatasObservable.Select(x => x[0]).Where(x => x.Win == "equal").Subscribe(x => {
follower.BuyAsync(x.ActiveId, (int) x.Sum, x.Direction, x.Expired);