a plugin for backend sortable sidemenu for all configured plugins, grouped settings, tailwindcss boilerplate inkl. webpack, babel, sass, linter...., darkmode (in progress), base PWA component, extra dashboard with sidemenu
Flexible plugin for managing forms. This is a version of my personal plugin. I adapted it for mass use. Strongly do not scold the first time I publish
Twig extensions plugin for OctoberCMS adds new filter and functions to your templates. No other plugin dependencies.
- component for state towns with pagination
- component for Town detail
- hooks for Winter.Sitemap
- extends Winter State model
This plugin allows you to create, update and display any measures you want on a model, some examples could be:
- Blog post's views
- Number of forum topic creation from a member
- Counting successive daily-connexion of a member
- API's resource fetches count
- ...
This plugin is intended to be used in more complex plugins or as is to register some statistics over your website's events.
The Sitemap Pretty plugin allows you to to prettify a sitemap.xml file generated by wn-sitemap-plugin for your website to make it human readable.
This is a fork of https://github.com/anand-patel/oc-seo-extension to make it work with Winter CMS.
Using the AuthorizationControl middleware provided with this plugin your routes will be accesibles only by the clients registered in the back-end.