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Rodrigo Freire edited this page Feb 1, 2023 · 17 revisions

Tips, tricks, hints, notes and notices

What about Windows Mixer?

By using VoiceMeeter you will no longer using the Windows mixer (that one you right-click on the system tray)

COM ports higher than COM9

Matt AL0R pointed that he wasn't able to configure his COM port - which is higher than COM9, in his case, COM13. Please refer to the proper syntax in setup.cmd file for these high number COM ports.

Broken Audio

  • First thing, ensure that you have harmonized every device in the highest possible Sampling rate.
  • Issue persists? Use the KS audio drivers instead of WDM whenever possible/feasible.
  • Still cracking? Use the MME drivers instead
  • Still weird? This might be linked to the A1 Hardware Out settings. That is the master and influences everything else. Try other settings in this output.
  • Problem still happening? Do you have a USB Hub? That can be the culprit too. Try connecting your radio direct to the PC, avoiding the USB hub.
  • Everything else failed? Check VoiceMeeter forum for other insights.

Thanks to Gustavo PY2MSR & Shawn KU0D for the investigation and provided feedback too! o/


I found that the MME drivers in A1-A3 RX buses adds extra latency. Prefer KS mode; then WDM. Last; if everything else fails, MME.

Input levels, gain, overload

Monitor the input / drive level by monitoring the bargraph near to the sliders. If your audio is getting into the red zone, it is overdriven and causing distortion. Make your audio make trips at most within the green area of the bargraph.

This is especially critical if you are doing digital modes - a distorted signal means that the remote station probably won't be able to decode your signal because of the distortion. Configure it in tandem with the radio's ALC meter.

For example, I have an microphone that is way too hot; and I have set its gain to -15 dB (you can see it in screenshots)

Conversely, my headset isn't super sensitive; so I give it a lot more oomph (see slider in bus A1) in order to be able to give extra volume on faint/filtered signals, besides of being able to control the volume on the headset built-in volume control.


VoiceMeeter new version install require you to first uninstall the current version and then reinstall the new version. >_< argh, yes. A side effect for that is... Almost disastrous.

  1. It will undo the VoiceMeeter interface Renaming that you did for VoiceMeeter interfaces
  2. It will undo the Sound Interface configuration that you did in your softwares.

Unless you want real hard the newer and greater version, you will probably spare yourself the hassle of following closely new versions.


Ensure (again) that you have properly understood the PTT & Port settings and its implications. If is there some question, file an issue or look me up in (PY2RAF) and drop me an e-mail - I'll be more than happy to help.


How do I engage the transmit mode when using my USB audio? You can either use VOX (I use it sometimes, but not my favourite) or add a switch to the rear port and make a footswitch / hand switch; whatever suits you better: It is as simple as shorting two pins on RTTY/DATA rear port. See Green and Pink leads here. No need to overthink and think decoupling, ESD, debouncing, etc. - Just a switch. Shorted, TX. Open, RX. KISS.

CAT, Apps and VoiceMeeter buttons

As soon you fire a software that will control the radio via CAT, it will take exclusive control of the serial port and will inhibit the CAT commands from the Macro Buttons.

How do I sound?

Make use of the MONI or some nearby SDR to check how are you effectively transmitting!

Digital Modes & EQ

As you might have noticed, VoiceMeeter provides extensive audio capabilities - including audio transformation, processing and equalizing. Remember to disable the EQ settings when operating digital modes!