9.0.5 (2021-02-25)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Basic classic support
- Don't color Condemn on out of combat units
- Auto-disable friendly nameplates in dungeons and raids
- Focus glow
- Purgeable indicator
- Removed dependency on oUF colors
- Aura bugfix
- Raid Icon animation
- Updated paths
- Updated ToC
- Renamed
- Auras
- GuildNames, Name text shadow
- Using LSM font and SavedVariables
- Name only mode
- Added GUI Libs
- Fixed target glow
- Absorbs
- Refactoring
- 1234
- Dropping oUF part 3 Castbar
- Dropping oUF part 2 Health
- Dropping oUF part 1
- Sizing stuff
- Using arena index as name on arena
- Remove Server name on default friendly nameplates when possible
- Disabled auto friendly nameplates switch