This is a simple CLI tool that wraps the AWS Cost Explorer APIs to be able to quickly identify cost anomalies between monthly bills.
- Comparing costs between two different months
- Creating a CSV report to show changes in the bill
- Diagnosing which specific line item changed the most to identify cost anomalies
- AWS Credentials Setup locally
- Access to Cost Explorer APIs (
brew tap rgoomar/aws-cct
brew install aws-cct
brew upgrade aws-cct
Download from the releases
go get
For full usage, see the help page with aws-cct --help
aws-cct - AWS Cost Comparison Tool
aws-cct [global options] command [command options]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--start value First month to compare (2020-01-01) (default: "2023-12-01")
--end value Second month to compare (2020-02-01) (default: "2024-01-01")
--cost-metric value Cost Metric to compare (NetAmortizedCost, UnblendedCost, etc.) (default: "NetAmortizedCost")
--service value Define a service to dig into
--tag value [ --tag value ] Tag value to filter results (app=web, env=prod, etc.)
--sort value Column to sort results on (name, start, end, delta, deltapercent) (default: "name")
--sort-order value Order to sort in (asc or desc) (default: "asc")
--output value Output format (supported formats: table, csv) (default: "table")
--help, -h show help
Basic usage
This will show estimated projections for the current month.
Diagnose where the largest cost increase is coming from
Between November & December 2023:
First, figure out which service has the largest cost
aws-cct --start 2023-11-01 --end 2023-12-01 --sort delta
Then, copy that full service name and dig into which specific line item within that service increased the most.
In this example, the RDS costs are high and we want to see what specifically increased.
aws-cct --start 2023-11-01 --end 2023-12-01 --sort delta --service "Amazon Relational Database Service"
Dig into EC2 costs
You can get the string from the initial output. Simply copy the value in the "SERVICE" section and you can filter into that
aws-cct --service "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Compute"
Filter by tags
You can get filter costs by tag, to return costs for resources that match all specified tag values.
aws-cct --tag app=widgetizer --tag env=production
Compare Older Months
aws-cct --start 2023-08-01 --end 2023-09-01
Sort on a column
You can sort on any column, ascending or descending, for example to see the largest deltas first.
aws-cct --sort delta --sort-order desc
Output in CSV format
This will output in a CSV friendly format and you can utilize this to do analysis or for reporting.
aws-cct --output csv
Requires Go >= 1.21
Build with go build
You should see a local binary called aws-cct
which you can use to interact with