This is the source repository of Regard3D, an open source structure-from-motion program based on OpenMVG. Please find the documentation on the Regard3D homepage.
The Regard3D source code is released under the MIT license. The numerous third-party libraries have other licenses, please see there.
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 1.4
- Upgraded to OpenCV 4.0
- Added new Incremental pipeline of OpenMVG
- GPS information can be used now
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 1.3
- Added SMVS as new densification tool
- Added new algorithms for pairwise feature matching: KGraph, MRPT
- Added user-defined camera sensor width database, added ability to set focus length
- Added possibility to set camera model (Pinhole with various distortions, among them Fisheye)
- Removed PCL (point cloud library) as a dependency
- Fixed issue #9, JPEGs with EXIF data about camera orientation
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 1.2, AssImp 4.0.1
- Added Fast-AKAZE, TBMR keypoint detectors
- Bugfix: Export of textured surfaces now works again (Issue #4)
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 1.1
- Third-party programs (MVE, PoissonRecon) up to date
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 0.9.0
- Third-party programs (MVE, PoissonRecon) up to date
- Mac: OpenMP-enabled build
- Upgraded to OpenMVG 0.8.1
- Changed multithreading in compute matches step
- Fixed bug when using CMVS
- Improved speed of Windows version
- Added multithreading in computing matches on Mac OS X (using TBB)
- Surfaces with textures (OBJ file format) are now loaded with AssImp
- "Export to CMPMVS" renamed to "Export to external MVS", MeshRecon format added
Initial version, based on OpenMVG 0.7
- Windows 7 or newer, 64 bit edition
- Mac OS X 10.7 or newer
- OpenGL capable graphics card/chip
For documentation and building instructions, see the Regard3D homepage.