Data validator is a library that can be used to check the correctness of any data. To use a validator, you need to create a validator object and define a data validation scheme. The schema is an object that contains data validation rules.
Library Features:
- String validation:
- null restriction;
- minimum length limit;
- content limit.
- Number validation:
- null restriction;
- sign limit;
- allowable range.
- Validation of objects of type Map:
- null restriction;
- size limit;
- structure check support.
import hexlet.code.Validator;
import hexlet.code.schemas.StringSchema;
import hexlet.code.schemas.NumberSchema;
import hexlet.code.schemas.MapSchema;
import hexlet.code.schemas.BaseSchema;
Validator v = new Validator();
// Strings
StringSchema schema = v.string().required().minLength(5).contains("hex");
schema.isValid("hexlet"); // true
schema.isValid(""); // false
// Numbers
NumberSchema schema = v.number().required().positive().range(5, 10);
schema.isValid(-10); // false
schema.isValid(10); // true
// Map object with structure checking support
Map<String, BaseSchema> schemas = new HashMap<>();
schemas.put("name", v.string().required());
schemas.put("age", v.number().positive());
MapSchema schema =;
Map<String, Object> human1 = new HashMap<>();
human1.put("name", "Kolya");
human1.put("age", 100);
schema.isValid(human1); // true
Map<String, Object> human2 = new HashMap<>();
human2.put("name", "");
human2.put("age", null);
schema.isValid(human1); // false