A digitised version of a 2 player board game where players compete to produce goods in the most efficient way.
A hobby project to improve some technical skills.
Primary goals:
- Go server managing WebSocket connections
- TypeScript and type led clientside development
- Solitaire implementation of the game
Stretch goals:
- App based client (NativeScript Vue)
- Hosted and not just local
- Multiple concurrent games
- Multiplayer
- Go WebSocket server skeleton
- Vue-cli TypeScript skeleton client side
- Persisted data in Mongo
- Simple game round E2E
- Functionally complete API server
- Functionally complete API client side
- Minimal styling client side
- Multiple games
- NativeScript Vue implementation
- Hosting
There are some READMEs in the folders, as well as a docs folder for more general information, including an architecture diagram.
Locally, a lot is configured in the docker-compose file. This does need your IP address to set up the Kafka instance though.
MY_IP=192.168.###.## docker-compose up -d