An implementation of the IOMLIFET excel spreadsheets in R. The IOMLIFET spreadsheets facilitate the use of life-tables for assessment of public health risks.
Key functions are:
which calculates life expectancy using the Chiang methodburden_le()
which callslife_table()
to produce life tables for the baseline and reduced exposure scenariosimpact()
which uses leslie matrices to form the future population under the two scenarios.
The latter function provides estimates of life-years gained in the future from a popoulation-wide reduction in PM2.5 related risk of mortality.
Version: 0.2
Author: Richard Broome, Joshua Horsley, Ivan Hanigan
Maintainer: Ivan Hanigan <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
- Vignettes are being added. These are not built by devtools by default, need to use
install_github("richardbroome2002/iomlifetR", build_vignettes = TRUE)