Weird Word Hangman is a Python terminal based word guessing game, which runs on Code Institute's mock terminal on Render (formerly on Heroku).
This game consists of a weird word that is hidden in a hang man style game. The player must guess a letter (or the whole word) in each round.
The player has 6 lives, each wrong guess deducts a life from the player. If the player runs out of lives, they hang the man and the player loses.
The player wins the game if they correctly identify all the hidden letters!
Visit the live project here.
- Showcase a simple classic fun game.
- Provide the user with instructions/rules on how to play the game.
- Provide feedback to the user on each round.
- People of all ages.
- Anyone who wants to have a bit of fun with a guessing game.
- As a user, I want to understand what the game is about.
- As a user, I want to know how to play the game.
- As a user, I want to know the game's rules.
Welcome Screen
- This is the first screen that the player sees, it welcomes the player with the game rules.
- At the end of the welcome message, it prompts the player to input their name.
Main Screen
- Greets the player with their chosen name.
- Displays the image of the hanging man state.
- Shows the amount of letters in the hidden word via underscores. Each underscore represents one letter.
- Prompts the user to type the guess.
Correct Guess Screen
- If the player makes a correct letter guess, the letter is revealed
- Feedback is provided to the user
Wrong Guess Screen
- If the player makes a wrong letter/word guess, a life is deducted from the player and feedback is provided.
- The wrong letter can't be used by the player once again (meaning they won't lose another life if they try the same guess).
Invalid Guess Screen
- If the player attempts to input an invalid character (such as numbers or symbols), they will be thrown a message saying the guess was not valid.
Winning Game Screen
- If the player manages to guess the hidden word, they win the game!
- The player is provided feedback and is prompted to play another round or not.
Losing Game Screen
- If the player runs out of lives/tries before guessing the hidden word, they lose the game.
- The player is provided feedback and is prompted to play another round.
- High Score System
- A high score system is a feature to keep in mind, so the player can compete with friends/family.
- Choose difficulty
- An option to give the player to choose an easier/medium/harder difficulty of the game.
- Git & Gitpod
- Git was used for version control via the Gitpod terminal in order to commit to Git and push to GitHub.
- GitHub
- GitHub was used for version control.
- Heroku
- Heroku was used originally for hosting and deploying the game.
- Render
- The project was then migrated from Heroku to Render.
- At first, four "E501" warnings (line too long) were returned when passing through the PEP8online check.
- The warning messages were addressed when I broke 3 of the 4 lines (making them shorter) with a backslash (however that broke the code, so eventually "#noqa" was added to all the 4 lines - please refer to Fixed Bugs section below).
- The remaining line was addressed with a "#noqa" comment. After implementing these fixes the linter validated the code with no issues.
- The Weird Word Hangman was tested on the following devices/environments (without any issues):
- MacBook Air 13.3" M1 (macOS Big Sur 11.6)
- Lenovo 5i 15" i5 (Windows 10 64x)
- The Weird Word Hangman was tested on several browsers without any issues:
- Google Chrome (Version 96.0.4664.55 (Official Build) (arm64))
- Mozilla Firefox (94.0.2 (64-bit))
- Safari (Version 15.0 (16612., 16612))
- Brave (Version 1.32.113 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (arm64))
- Vivaldi (4.3.2439.65 (Stable channel) (arm64))
Long lines/spacing issue.
- At first, 4 "E501" warnings (line too long) were returned when passing the code through the PEP8online check.
- 1 of the 4 lines was addressed with a "#noqa" comment, after implementing these fixes the linter validated with no issues.
- However, once the warning messages were addressed when I broke three of the four lines with a backslash, that caused a printing spacing issue:
- The bug was finally fixed when I removed the backslashes and just added #noqa line comments to all 4 lines.
This project was deployed using Code Institute's mock terminal for Heroku:
- Steps for deployment:
- Fork or clone this repository.
- Create a new Heroku app.
- Add the Config Var: key = PORT and the value = 8000.
- Set the buildbacks to Python and NodeJS in that order.
- Link the Heroku app to the repository.
- Click on Deploy.
- The website was used to compress the README images.
- The website Visual Paradigm Online was used to create a flowchart.
- The list of random words was randomly generated thanks to Random Word Generator.
- The "Welcome" banner's ASCII Art was generated with the ASCII Art Generator.
- Many thanks to Anna Greaves for the CI’s Love Sandwiches Walkthrough project for a great reference.
- Many thanks to Sanjin Dedic for a great inspiration, reference and example.
- Many thanks to Kiteco/Kite for a great inspiration, reference and example.
- This Stack Overflow thread about "E501 line too long" PEP8 validation.
- Code Institute for the deployment terminal.
- Many thanks to CI's Tutor Support and CI's Slack community for their support.
- Many thanks to my mentor, Gerry McBride, for his guidance and feedback.