Custom field group strategies for Angular Agility
The following are new field group strategies for the Angular Agility project:
- Checkbox
- Currency
- Datepicker
- Percent
- Radio button group (one line of HTML)
- Select2
All are integrated with Angular Agility's validation. All except for Select2 are based on Angular UI Bootstrap
- Sample Plunker
##Blog 6 Field Group Strategies for Angular Agility
##Usage ###app.js
angular.module('app', [
###Checkbox ###Currency ###Datepicker ###Percent ###Radio button group
$scope.radioList = [{ name: 'Male', id: 0 }, { name: 'Female', id: 1 }];
$scope.states = [{ 'name': 'Minnesota', 'id': 'MN' }, { 'name': 'Wisconsin', 'id': 'WI' }];
$scope.stateSingleConfig = aaSelectService.getConfigSingle({
options: $scope.states,
placeholder: 'Select a state...'