Hunting Horn Timer, useful for cheating on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
- open this page on your phone
- load up Monster Hunter on your 3DS
- pick a hunting horn weapon in the game, like Rinforzato
- choose the same notes on the timer page, it'll show the song list
- bash a monster / play some notes ♪♪♪♪
- perform a recital with R
- during the recital, tap the song name on your phone to start the timer
That's it! When the timer runs low, you know you have to replay the song. When you recite another tune, tap that song name.
The duration of a buff can never go over the initial time. Playing a song a second time will only top up its timer, though some songs do add additional benefits. The additional benefit is not shown in this timer in any way, however.
Melody Duration Extended is implemented and I think works correctly by boosting the time of all currently active songs.
Some songs - like the "Self Improvement" or Attack Boost - have extend periods that are less than the time the buff lasts the first time you play it. This means that if you're almost out of time, it might be worth playing an encore to get the buff back up to its full time. Usually these songs have boosted effects when they are played more than once. It's worth trying to avoid having the effect for these buffs run out completely or you will have to play the song twice to get back the full effect.
A lot of songs have no advantage to playing encores - Divine Protection and several of the effect-negation songs are like this. In these cases there's no difference between playing the song with near full time left, a few seconds left, or playing it again once it completely runs out. In other words: try to avoid spamming songs like these, it is a waste of time and gives no extra benefit.