The folder structure must resemble the following for any new modules created:
└── bicep/
└── modules/
├── storageAccount/
│ └── .tests/
│ └── storageAccount.tests.bicep
├── storage.bicep
└── metadata.json
The tests file must be formatted as above, with the declared required-params specified for test deployments, for example:
// Test with only required parameters
module test_required_params '../storageAccount.bicep' = {
name: 'test_required_params'
params: {
location: 'uksouth'
tags: {
Demo: 'Rios Engineer Blog'
storageName: 'riosengineerst001'
storageSkuName: 'Standard_GRS'
storagePleBlobName: 'someBlob'
storagePleFileName: 'someFileshare'
subnetId: 'test'
virtualNetworkId: 'test'
The metadata.json is to contain some basic summary and description of the module, for example:
"itemDisplayName": "Storage Account Module.",
"description": "Storage Account Bicep Module",
"summary": "Storage Account Bicep standard for deployments"