SPC = M-m
M-m f e R - reload config
C-x C-space - jump to previous mark
C-x k - describe key
C-u C-space -
C-c C-j - golang jump
C-x C-m = M-x
C-c C-m = M-x
C-h - mark-whole-buffer
C-M-\ - indent-region
- C-u 6 C-x ^ - enlarge window 6 times
- C-u - 6 C-x ^ - shrink window 6 times
- C-x + - balance windws
- M-m f T - neotree toggle
- C-x C-b
- m => mark buffer
- t => flip marks
- k => kill marked buffer,
- D => kill all buffers except marked
- C-x - Interactively modify indentation (with hjkl)
- M-RET r r v - Rename variable
- M-RET r l t - log this
- C-c p p - switch projectile project
- C-c p f - find file in project
- C-c p s g - grep inside project
- C-c p s s - ag instead of grep
- C-c p b - projectile buffer management
- M-x c r - Compile
- M-x c R - Recompile