This is an Arduino package for RV-STAR board based on Nuclei SDK. You can use it both in Arduino IDE and by make commands.
- You need firstly download and setup Arduino IDE (only support Windows Version) from Arduino Home.
- Add the board JSON index file URL: to your Preferences in File Option, open Board Manager in Tool Option and setup package which named RVSTAR(GD32V) by Young.
- Create a new Sketch and write your Arduino Style codes. You can get reference from Arduino Reference.
- Connect the board, select the GD32VF103 RV-STAR and RV-Debugger in Tool Options, then you can build and upload your codes.
- You need firstly download and setup Make command tools and Nuclei SDK tools according to the Nuclei-SDK’s documentation.
- Write your main codes in the main.c or main.cpp file in this directory and of course you can also create other *.c *.cpp and *.h code modules then include them.
- Connect the board, open this directory in terminal, use
make clean
to clean the environment and then usemake upload
to compile the codes and upload to the board.
These are the functions that this package supports. You can find their usage from Arduino Reference.
- digitalRead()
- digitalWrite()
- pinMode()
- analogRead()
- analogWrite()
- tone()
- noTone()
- pulseIn()
- pulseLong()
- delay()
- delayMicroSeconds()
- micros()
- millis()
- attachInterrupt()
- detachInterrupt()
- interrupts()
- noInterrupts()
- abs()
- constrain()
- map()
- max()
- min()
- pow()
- sq()
- sqrt()
- cos()
- sin()
- tan()
- random()
- randomSeed()
- bit()
- bitClear()
- bitRead()
- bitSet()
- bitWrite()
- highByte()
- lowByte()
- isAlpha()
- isAlphaNumeric()
- isAscii()
- isControl()
- isDigit()
- isGraph()
- isHexadecimalDigit()
- isLowerCase()
- isPrintable()
- isPunct()
- isSpace()
- isUpperCase()
- isWhitespace()