This repository is made available as part of an artifact submission to the 2024 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), associated with the following paper:
Geoff Twardokus, Nina Bindel, Hanif Rahbari, and Sarah McCarthy, "When Cryptography Needs a Hand: Practical Post-Quantum Authentication for V2V Communications," Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2024), San Diego, CA, Feb. 2024.
author = "Geoff Twardokus and Nina Bindel and Hanif Rahbari and Sarah McCarthy",
title = "When Cryptography Needs a Hand: Practical Post-Quantum Authentication for {V2V} Communications",
booktitle = "Proc. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)",
month = feb,
year = "2024",
address = "San Diego, CA",
pages = ""
This repository consists of multiple source code (C++) files, a Makefile to be used for building the project from those
source files, and a test script (functional_test.bash
) that builds the project binaries for the x86 architecture and
executes them for evaluation purposes on a typical x86-based PC.
An Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine that is pre-configured to compile and run the artifact is archived in OVA format at doi:10.5281/zenodo.10160535. This virtual machine was created and evaluated using Virtualbox version 7.0.8 r156879 (Qt5.15.2), which is freely available from Oracle at We recommend users and evaluators use the same version to ensure consistency.
Ubuntu 22.04 is the only supported operating system.
Libraries that can be installed through the Ubuntu package manager:
- astyle
- cmake
- doxygen
- g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
- gcc
- graphviz
- libssl-dev
- ninja-build
- python3-pytest
- python3-pytest-xdist
- python3-yaml
- unzip
- valgrind
- xsltproc
Libraries that need to be built from source (using the below instructions - validated for most recent versions of these libraries as of September 2023):
- Botan, a C++ cryptographic library (
- liboqs, a post-quantum algorithm library from Open Quantum Safe (
No additional software dependencies are required.
No hardware is required beyond a "commodity PC." As defined by the NDSS 2024 Call for Artifacts, "[a] commodity desktop machine is defined as one with an x86-64 CPU with 8 cores and 16 GB of RAM running a recent Linux or Windows operating system."
Create a fresh virtual machine with Ubuntu 22.04 (VirtualBox is recommended for a free hypervisor). After installation, be sure to update all packages to their latest versions:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
Next, install several dependencies:
sudo apt install -y g++-aarch64-linux-gnu astyle cmake gcc ninja-build libssl-dev python3-pytest python3-pytest-xdist unzip xsltproc doxygen graphviz python3-yaml valgrind
Clone the pq-benchmarks
cd $HOME
git clone
First, obtain the Botan source code from GitHub:
cd $HOME
git clone
Next, cross-compile Botan for ARM:
mv botan botan-arm
mkdir botan-aarch64
cd botan-arm
./ --os=linux --cpu=armv8 --ar-command=aarch64-linux-gnu-ar --cc-bin=$(which aarch64-linux-gnu-g++) --cc=gcc --prefix=$HOME/botan-aarch64/
make install
Now, compile Botan for x86_64 (you will need to clone the Botan source repository again, as included in the command sequence below):
cd $HOME
git clone
mv botan botan-x86
mkdir botan-intel
cd botan-x86
./ --os=linux --cpu=x86_64 --cc-bin=$(which g++) --cc=gcc --prefix=$HOME/botan-intel/
make install
Start by creating placeholder directories for the ARM and x86 installations of liboqs:
mkdir liboqs-aarch64 liboqs-x86
Now, obtain the liboqs source code from GitHub:
cd $HOME
git clone -b main
Next, build liboqs for ARM:
cd $HOME
mv liboqs liboqs-arm
cd liboqs-arm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$HOME/pq-benchmarks/arm-toolchain.cmake -DOQS_USE_OPENSSL=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/liboqs-aarch64 ..
ninja install
Now, build liboqs for x86_64:
cd $HOME
git clone -b main
mv liboqs liboqs-intel
cd liboqs-intel
mkdir build && cd build
ninja install
Finally, move to the cloned pq-benchmarking
repository and build the test binaries for both x86 and ARM (note that either architecture can be build alone with individual make rules. Check the included Makefile for details):
cd $HOME/pq-benchmarks
make all
Run the binaries:
Results will be displayed in the terminal and written to per-algorithm results files (e.g., "ecdsa_results.txt").