EN - Projet n°6 created for OpenClassrooms and Backend path.
- [PHP 8.1]
- [Symfony 6.0.8]
- [Bootstrap 4.5.2]
- Squadfree - template
You need a web development environment like WampServer (for Windows), MAMP (for Mac) or LAMP (for Linux).
- Clone the project code : "git clone https://github.com/riwalenn/snowtricks.git"
- Go to the console and write "composer install" where you want to have the project
- Open the .env file and change the database connection values on line 32 like "DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:@" for me.
- Return to the console and write "symfony console doctrine:database:create"
- "symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate"
- To have some initial dataset : "symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load"
- Run the application with "symfony server:start"
- If you want an admin account go to your database then write this sql request : "INSERT INTO
) VALUES (99, 'Admin', '[email protected]', '$2y$13$eEY38DakHa/VwoHNx/xlHu.PlViXkvnGEH0lLXtc2QmxFDhBBC6li', '5', NULL, NULL, 1, '["ROLE_ADMIN"]')" - Then go to the login page (Connexion) :
- [email protected] (as email)
- testtest (as password)
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