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tightened the interface of the analysis pass via an mli file to 4 loo…
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…kup functions, and refactored some general utils out of sail_ast_utils into their own file
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moste00 committed Sep 15, 2024
1 parent 59cd298 commit 9855b69
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Showing 7 changed files with 149 additions and 104 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
open Sail_ast_processor
open Sail_ast_foreach
open Sail_ast_utils
open Utils

open Libsail
open Ast
Expand Down
83 changes: 40 additions & 43 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
open Sail_ast_foreach
open Sail_ast_processor
open Sail_ast_utils
open Utils
open Constants
open Common_types
open Decoder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,22 +59,6 @@ let bind_args_and_create_consequences state l =
match pat with
| MP_app (union_case_id, union_case_args) ->
let case_name = id_to_str union_case_id in
let arg_types =
Hashtbl.find state.analysis.type_ctx.union_case_to_arg_types
let arg_sizes =
(fun arg ->
match arg with
| Named_type name -> (
try Hashtbl.find state.analysis.type_ctx.bitv_synonyms name
with Not_found -> -1
| Bitvec size -> size
let bodies =
match union_case_args with
| [MP_aux (MP_lit (L_aux (L_unit, _)), _)] -> []
Expand All @@ -85,7 +70,9 @@ let bind_args_and_create_consequences state l =
| MP_lit lit -> lit_to_consequence_body lit
| MP_id id ->
let n = id_to_str id in
let bitv_size = List.nth arg_sizes i in
let bitv_size =
get_case_arg_size state.analysis case_name i
Hashtbl.add bindings n bitv_size;
idstr_to_consequence_body n
| MP_vector_concat slices ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +106,8 @@ let create_conditions state r arg_bindings =
match pat with
| MP_id id ->
let idstr = id_to_str id in
let size = Hashtbl.find arg_bindings idstr in
let maybe_size = Hashtbl.find arg_bindings idstr in
let size = get_some_or_failwith maybe_size "UNREACHABLE" in
Bind (size, idstr)
| MP_typ (pat, typ) ->
let size =
Expand All @@ -128,15 +116,13 @@ let create_conditions state r arg_bindings =
when id_to_str id = "bitvector" || id_to_str id = "bits"
sail_bitv_size_to_int (List.nth args 0)
| Typ_aux (Typ_id id, _) -> (
Hashtbl.find state.analysis.type_ctx.bitv_synonyms
(id_to_str id)
with Not_found ->
"Type annotation is a named type not synonymous \
with bitvec "
| Typ_aux (Typ_id id, _) ->
let sz =
get_size_of_bv_synonym state.analysis (id_to_str id)
get_some_or_failwith sz
"Type annotation is a named type not synonymous with \
bitvec "
| _ ->
("Type annotation cant be non-bitvec @ "
Expand All @@ -163,22 +149,33 @@ let create_conditions state r arg_bindings =
"Unsupported mapping pattern, multiple arguments are \
not supported"
let bv_to_enum =
let size = Hashtbl.find arg_bindings arg_name in
Map_bind (size, bv_to_enum, arg_name)
with Not_found ->
let struct_name, bv_to_struct =
.struct_bitv_mappings_registery mapping_name
let size = Hashtbl.find arg_bindings arg_name in
Struct_map_bind (size, struct_name, bv_to_struct, arg_name)
let bv_to_enum =
get_bv2enum_mapping state.analysis mapping_name
match bv_to_enum with
| Some bv2enum ->
let maybe_size = Hashtbl.find arg_bindings arg_name in
let size =
get_some_or_failwith maybe_size "UNREACHABLE"
Map_bind (size, bv2enum, arg_name)
| None -> (
get_bv2struct_mapping state.analysis mapping_name
| Some (struct_name, bv_to_struct) ->
let maybe_size = Hashtbl.find arg_bindings arg_name in
let size =
get_some_or_failwith maybe_size "UNREACHABLE"
(size, struct_name, bv_to_struct, arg_name)
| None ->
("Mapping " ^ mapping_name
^ " is neither a bv<->enum nor a bv<->struct mapping"
| _ -> failwith ""
Expand Down
34 changes: 29 additions & 5 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type sail_types_context = {
e.g. MY_UNION_CASE(bits(32), (bits(16), (bits(8), bits(8))))
is a valid union clause definition in Sail, but it's too
complicated to record in this table *)
union_case_to_arg_types : (string, union_case_type list) Hashtbl.t;
union_cases_type_signature : (string, union_case_type list) Hashtbl.t;
(* Records the names of all enum types *)
enum_names : string set;
(* Records the names of all struct types *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ let assoc_clause_with_args state _ union_id clause_id typ =
Hashtbl.add state.type_ctx.union_case_to_arg_types name args
Hashtbl.add state.type_ctx.union_cases_type_signature name args
| Typ_id id ->
Hashtbl.add state.type_ctx.union_case_to_arg_types name
Hashtbl.add state.type_ctx.union_cases_type_signature name
[Named_type (id_to_str id)]
| Typ_app (id, args)
when id_to_str id = "bits" || id_to_str id = "bitvector" ->
Hashtbl.add state.type_ctx.union_case_to_arg_types name
Hashtbl.add state.type_ctx.union_cases_type_signature name
[Bitvec (sail_bitv_size_to_int (List.nth args 0))]
| _ -> failwith ("Unsupported type expression after the union case " ^ name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let analyze ast =
type_ctx =
union_case_to_arg_types = Hashtbl.create 50;
union_cases_type_signature = Hashtbl.create 50;
enum_names = Hashtbl.create 100;
struct_names = Hashtbl.create 100;
bitv_synonyms = Hashtbl.create 50;
Expand All @@ -283,3 +283,27 @@ let analyze ast =
foreach_node ast analyzer_processor analysis_result;

let get_bv2enum_mapping ana map_name =
let bv2enum_mappings = ana.mapping_ctx.enum_bitv_mappings_registery in
try Some (Hashtbl.find bv2enum_mappings map_name) with Not_found -> None

let get_bv2struct_mapping ana map_name =
let bv2struct_mappings = ana.mapping_ctx.struct_bitv_mappings_registery in
try Some (Hashtbl.find bv2struct_mappings map_name) with Not_found -> None

let get_size_of_bv_synonym ana name =
try Some (Hashtbl.find ana.type_ctx.bitv_synonyms name)
with Not_found -> None

let get_case_arg_size ana case_name arg_idx =
let typsig =
Hashtbl.find ana.type_ctx.union_cases_type_signature case_name
let case_typ = List.nth typsig arg_idx in
match case_typ with
| Named_type typ_name ->
Some (Hashtbl.find ana.type_ctx.bitv_synonyms typ_name)
| Bitvec size -> Some size
with Not_found -> None
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions lib/sail_analysis.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
open Libsail
open Ast_defs
open Type_check

open Common_types

type sail_analysis_result

val analyze : tannot ast -> sail_analysis_result

val get_bv2enum_mapping : sail_analysis_result -> string -> bv2enum_table option

val get_bv2struct_mapping :
sail_analysis_result -> string -> (string * bv2struct_table) option

val get_size_of_bv_synonym : sail_analysis_result -> string -> int option

val get_case_arg_size : sail_analysis_result -> string -> int -> int option
57 changes: 2 additions & 55 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ open Libsail
open Ast
open Lexing

open Utils

let stringify_lex_pos start ending =
if start.pos_fname = ending.pos_fname then
"file " ^ start.pos_fname ^ " @ [line: "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,49 +59,6 @@ let sail_bitv_size_to_int =
let sail_bitv_size_to_int_noexn =
convert_bitv_size_to_int ~throw_on_unsupported_size_exprs:false

let binary_chars_to_hex_digit b3 b2 b1 b0 =
match (b3, b2, b1, b0) with
| '0', '0', '0', '0' -> "0"
| '0', '0', '0', '1' -> "1"
| '0', '0', '1', '0' -> "2"
| '0', '0', '1', '1' -> "3"
| '0', '1', '0', '0' -> "4"
| '0', '1', '0', '1' -> "5"
| '0', '1', '1', '0' -> "6"
| '0', '1', '1', '1' -> "7"
| '1', '0', '0', '0' -> "8"
| '1', '0', '0', '1' -> "9"
| '1', '0', '1', '0' -> "A"
| '1', '0', '1', '1' -> "B"
| '1', '1', '0', '0' -> "C"
| '1', '1', '0', '1' -> "D"
| '1', '1', '1', '0' -> "E"
| '1', '1', '1', '1' -> "F"
| _ -> failwith "UNREACHABLE"

let binary_str_to_hex_str s =
let slen = String.length s in
let slen_mod4 = slen mod 4 in
let padding =
if slen_mod4 = 0 then ""
else List.init (4 - slen_mod4) (fun _ -> "0") |> String.concat ""
let s_padded_4 = padding ^ s in
let padlen = String.length s_padded_4 in
let hexstr = Buffer.create (padlen / 4) in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < padlen do
let hex_digit =
binary_chars_to_hex_digit s_padded_4.[!i]
s_padded_4.[!i + 1]
s_padded_4.[!i + 2]
s_padded_4.[!i + 3]
Buffer.add_string hexstr hex_digit;
i := !i + 4
Buffer.contents hexstr

let bitv_literal_to_str bitv_lit =
let (L_aux (lit, _)) = bitv_lit in
match lit with
Expand All @@ -113,15 +72,3 @@ let bitv_literal_size bitv_lit =
| L_hex lit_str -> String.length lit_str * 4
| L_bin lit_str -> String.length lit_str
| _ -> failwith "Expected a bitvec literal, found neither L_hex nor L_bin"

let str_starts_with prefix str =
let plen = String.length prefix in
let slen = String.length str in
if plen > slen then false
else (
let str_prefix = String.sub str 0 plen in
str_prefix = prefix

let add_prefix_unless_exists prefix str =
if str_starts_with prefix str then str else prefix ^ str
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open Decode_procedure
open Constants
open Gen_clike_typedef
open Sail_ast_utils
open Utils

let mk_indentation lvl =
if lvl = 0 then ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ let rec stringify_bv vars e =
let mask =
0 :: List.init 63 (fun x -> x + 1)
|> (fun i -> if i >= i1 && i < i2 then "1" else "0")
|> List.rev |> String.concat "" |> Sail_ast_utils.binary_str_to_hex_str
|> List.rev |> String.concat "" |> binary_str_to_hex_str
let masking_expr = binary_stream_c_parameter ^ " & 0x" ^ mask in
if i1 <> 0 then "(" ^ masking_expr ^ ")" ^ ">>" ^ string_of_int i1
Expand Down
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
let binary_chars_to_hex_digit b3 b2 b1 b0 =
match (b3, b2, b1, b0) with
| '0', '0', '0', '0' -> "0"
| '0', '0', '0', '1' -> "1"
| '0', '0', '1', '0' -> "2"
| '0', '0', '1', '1' -> "3"
| '0', '1', '0', '0' -> "4"
| '0', '1', '0', '1' -> "5"
| '0', '1', '1', '0' -> "6"
| '0', '1', '1', '1' -> "7"
| '1', '0', '0', '0' -> "8"
| '1', '0', '0', '1' -> "9"
| '1', '0', '1', '0' -> "A"
| '1', '0', '1', '1' -> "B"
| '1', '1', '0', '0' -> "C"
| '1', '1', '0', '1' -> "D"
| '1', '1', '1', '0' -> "E"
| '1', '1', '1', '1' -> "F"
| _ -> failwith "UNREACHABLE"

let binary_str_to_hex_str s =
let slen = String.length s in
let slen_mod4 = slen mod 4 in
let padding =
if slen_mod4 = 0 then ""
else List.init (4 - slen_mod4) (fun _ -> "0") |> String.concat ""
let s_padded_4 = padding ^ s in
let padlen = String.length s_padded_4 in
let hexstr = Buffer.create (padlen / 4) in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < padlen do
let hex_digit =
binary_chars_to_hex_digit s_padded_4.[!i]
s_padded_4.[!i + 1]
s_padded_4.[!i + 2]
s_padded_4.[!i + 3]
Buffer.add_string hexstr hex_digit;
i := !i + 4
Buffer.contents hexstr

let str_starts_with prefix str =
let plen = String.length prefix in
let slen = String.length str in
if plen > slen then false
else (
let str_prefix = String.sub str 0 plen in
str_prefix = prefix

let add_prefix_unless_exists prefix str =
if str_starts_with prefix str then str else prefix ^ str

let get_some_or_failwith opt msg =
match opt with Some thing -> thing | None -> failwith msg

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