Hi guys, here are some instructions on getting this running in a console environment. You should probably be doing this in a Google Cloud VM as described in week 4 discussion slides, rather than on your own computer. You can find details to setup the VM and driver specific to GCN at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gf1dW5k5gNkuaaF5UAjBzXH8papBvuiqUk4bTTeKbcY/edit?usp=sharing if you want to replicate our environment
git clone https://github.com/rizvi-ha/team2_gcn.git
cd team2_gcn
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
wget https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o8du146aafl3vrb87tm45/IND-WhoIsWho.zip?rlkey=cg6tbubqo532hb1ljaz70tlxe&dl=1
wait a min or two... then run
unzip IND-WhoIsWho.zip?rlkey=cg6tbubqo532hb1ljaz70tlxe
rm -rf __MACOSX
mkdir dataset
mv IND-WhoIsWho dataset
rm IND-WhoIsWho.zip?rlkey=cg6tbubqo532hb1ljaz70tlxe
rm wget-log
if there's merge conflicts or anything like that let Hassan know, but this usually should go smoothly.
git pull origin
source venv/bin/activate
python encoding.py --path ./dataset/IND-WhoIsWho/pid_to_info_all.json --save_path ./dataset/roberta_embeddings.pkl
python build_graph.py --author_dir ./dataset/IND-WhoIsWho/train_author.json --save_dir ./dataset/train.pkl --embeddings_dir ./dataset/roberta_embeddings.pkl --pub_dir ./dataset/IND-WhoIsWho/pid_to_info_all.json
python build_graph.py --author_dir ./dataset/IND-WhoIsWho/ind_valid_author.json --save_dir ./dataset/valid.pkl --embeddings_dir ./dataset/roberta_embeddings.pkl --pub_dir ./dataset/IND-WhoIsWho/pid_to_info_all.json
python train.py --train_dir ./dataset/train.pkl --test_dir ./dataset/valid.pkl --saved_dir gcn --log_name gcn-log [--usecoo] [--usecov] [--threshold 0.5]
is the submission json, and gcn-log
is the relevant log file. [...]
are optional params. The first 3 commands do standard data prepocessing, but take a long time. If you would just like to directly get the data .pkl
files, please contact CS145 Team 2 to get them.
Our optimal final combination uses the final training command:
python train.py --train_dir ./dataset/train.pkl --test_dir ./dataset/valid.pkl --saved_dir gcn --log_name gcn-log --usecoo --threshold 0.1
wget https://open-data-set.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/oag-benchmark/kddcup-2024/IND-WhoIsWho/IND-test-public.zip
<UNZIP AND MOVE TO dataset/IND-test-public> then run:
python build_graph.py --author_dir ./dataset/IND-test-public/ind_test_author_filter_public.json --save_dir ./dataset/test.pkl --embeddings_dir ./dataset/roberta_embeddings.pkl --pub_dir ./dataset/IND-WhoIsWho/pid_to_info_all.json
to build test.pkl
and then:
python train.py --train_dir ./dataset/train.pkl --test_dir ./dataset/test.pkl --saved_dir gcn --log_name gcn-log [--usecoo] [--usecov] [--threshold 0.5]
to get a final gcn/res.json
to submit to https://www.biendata.xyz/competition/ind_kdd_2024/final-submission/