This is a demo project to show how a FastAPI app can rapidly lookup a key and related data from a Redis cache but if the key is unknown the FastAPI app will delegate its processing to a Celery queue which in turn will trigger a (simlated with Faker ) long running computing process to compute the related data and store the key and related data in the Redis cache.
There's also a little Locust project to simulate a load on this FastAPI program and its backend
This is the project tree:
├── app
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── dump.rdb
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
└── tests
└── performance_tests
Instructions to run:
This project has been developed on a Mac in Nov-2023 using Poetry to prepare a virtual environments with python and its needed libraries.
So after a poetry install you should be ready to go:
- Launch Redis - Mac -> brew services start redis then cd to the project root su such as ~/code/fastapi-redis and
- launch the uvicorn FastAPI endpoint poetry run uvicorn app.fastapi_redis_celery:app --reload
- launch Celery poetry run celery -A app.celery_worker worker --loglevel=DEBUG
- run Locust to launch a load test poetry run locust -f tests/performance_tests/ go with the browser to Set the max number of concurrent users, how many to add each second and the FastAPI uvicorn application URL:
- It is possible to monitor Celery with Flower: poetry run celery --broker=redis://localhost:6379/0 flower Then, you can visit flower in your web browser : http://localhost:5555