CoVpipe2 is a Nextflow pipeline for reference-based genome reconstruction of SARS-CoV-2 from NGS data. In principle it can be used also for other viruses.
Table of contents
The pipeline is written in Nextflow
, which can be used on any POSIX compatible system (Linux, OS X, etc). Windows system is supported through WSL. You need Nextflow
installed and either conda
, or Docker
, or Singularity
to run the steps of the pipeline:
via self-installing packageclick here for a bash one-liner
wget -qO- | bash # In the case you don’t have wget # curl -s | bash
click here for a bash two-liner for Miniconda3 Linux 64-bit
wget bash conda create -n nextflow -c bioconda nextflow conda active nextflow
All other dependencies and tools will be installed within the pipeline via conda
, Docker
or Singularity
users: Make sure that your conda
channels are configured according to the bioconda
Check your current channel list:
conda config --show channels
Change you channel list:
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
Please, check bioconda
usage for the latest configuration!
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> --help
Validate your installation with a test run:
# for a Conda installation
# the Conda channel configuration needs to be bioconda conform
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> -profile local,conda,test --cores 4 --max_cores 8
# for a Singularity installation
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> -profile local,singularity,test --cores 4 --max_cores 8
# for a Docker installation
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> -profile local,docker,test --cores 4 --max_cores 8
For more configuration options, see here.
nextflow pull rki-mf1/CoVpipe2
We recommend to use a stable release of the pipeline:
nextflow pull rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <RELEASE>
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> \
--reference 'sars-cov-2' \
--fastq my_samples.csv --list \
--kraken \
--cores 4 --max_cores 8
- Read input from sample sheet
- Perform taxonomic classification to remove not SARS-CoV-2 reads
- Local execution with maximal 8 cores in total and conda
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> \
--reference 'sars-cov-2' \
--fastq '*R{1,2}.fastq.gz' \
--adapter /path/to/repo/data/adapters/NexteraTransposase.fasta \
--primer_version V4.1 \
-profile slurm,singularity
- Remove adapters
- Clip primer (ARTIC version V4.1)
- Execution on a SLURM system with Singularity
accepts a sample sheet in CSV
format as input and should look like this:
The header is required. Pay attention the set unique sample names!
click here to see the complete help message
Robert Koch Institute, MF1 Bioinformatics
Workflow: CoVpipe2
Usage examples:
nextflow run --fastq '*R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --cores 4 --max_cores 8
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> --fastq '*R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --ref_genome ref.fasta --cores 4 --max_cores 8
Reference, required:
--reference Currently supported: 'sars-cov-2' (MN908947.3) [default: sars-cov-2]
--ref_genome Reference FASTA file.
--ref_annotation Reference GFF file.
Illumina read data, required:
--fastq e.g.: 'sample{1,2}.fastq' or '*.fastq.gz' or '*/*.fastq.gz'
Optional input settings:
--list This flag activates csv input for --fastq [default: false]
style and header of the csv is: sample,fastq_1,fastq_2
--mode Switch between 'paired'- and 'single'-end FASTQ; 'single' is experimental [default: paired]
--run_id Run ID [default: ]
Adapter clipping:
--adapter Define the path of a FASTA file containing the adapter sequences to be clipped. [default: false]
Trimming and QC:
--fastp_additional_parameters Additional parameters for fastp [default: --qualified_quality_phred 20 --length_required 50]
For shorter/longer amplicon length than 156 nt, adjust --length_required
Taxonomic read filter:
--kraken Activate taxonomic read filtering to exclude reads not classified with specific taxonomic ID (see --taxid) [default: false]
A pre-processed kraken2 database will be automatically downloaded from and stored locally.
--kraken_db_custom Path to a custom Kraken2 database. [default: ]
--taxid Taxonomic ID used together with the kraken2 database for read filtering [default: 2697049]
Linage detection on read level with LCS:
Uses this fork of
--read_linage Linage detection on read level [default: false]
--lcs_ucsc_version Create marker table based on a specific UCSC SARS-CoV-2 tree (e.g. '2022-05-01'). Use 'predefined'
to use the marker table from the repo (most probably not up-to-date) [default: predefined]
See for available trees.
--lcs_ucsc_predefined If '--lcs_ucsc_version 'predefined'', select pre-calculated UCSC table [default: 2022-01-31]
--lcs_ucsc_update Use latest UCSC SARS-CoV-2 tree for marker table update. Overwrites --lcs_ucsc_version [default: false]
Automatically checks
--lcs_ucsc_downsampling Downsample sequences when updating marker table to save resources. Use 'None' to turn off [default: 10000]
Attention! Updating without downsampling needs a lot of resources in terms of memory and might fail.
Consider downsampling or increase the memory for this process.
--lcs_variant_groups Provide path to custom variant groups table (TSV) for marker table update. Use 'default' for predefined groups from repo
( [default: default]
--lcs_cutoff Plot linages above this threshold [default: 0.03]
--isize_filter Insert size threshold for mapping. All BAM file entries with an insert size above this threshold
are filtered out. Deactivated by default. [default: false]
Primer detection:
--bamclipper_additional_parameters Additional parameters for BAMClipper [default: false]
Use -u INT and -d INT to adjust the primer detection window of BAMClipper: extend upstream (-u) or
downstream (-d) from the 5' most nt of primer [default from BAMClipper: -u 1 -d 5]
--primer_bedpe Provide the path to the primer BEDPE file. [default: false]
TAB-delimited text file containing at least 6 fields, see here:
--primer_bed Provide the path to the primer BED file. A BEDPE file will be generated automatically.
The name of each entry has to match this pattern: primerID[_LEFT|_RIGHT]_ampliconID [default: false]
--primer_version Provide a primer version. Currently supported ARTIC versions: V1, V2, V3, V4, V4.1 [default: false]
Variant calling:
--vcount Minimum number of reads at a position to be considered for variant calling. [default: 10]
--cov Minimum number of supporting reads which are required to call a variant. [default: 20]
--frac Minimum percentage of supporting reads at the respective position required to call a variant.
In turn, variants supported by (1 - frac)*100% reads will be explicitly called. [default: 0.1]
--vois Compare called variants to a VCF file with you variants of interest [default: false]
Variant hard filtering:
--var_mqm Minimal mean mapping quality of observed alternate alleles (MQM). The mapping quality (MQ)
measures how good reads align to the respective reference genome region. Good mapping qualities are
around MQ 60. GATK recommends hard filtering of variants with MQ less than 40. [default: 40]
--var_sap Maximal strand balance probability for the alternate allele (SAP). The SAP is the Phred-scaled
probability that there is strand bias at the respective site. A value near 0 indicates little or
no strand bias. Amplicon data usually has a high, WGS data a low bias. [default: false]
Disable (default) for amplicon sequencing; for WGS GATK recommends 60
--var_qual Minimal variant call quality. Freebayes produces a general judgement of the
variant call. [default: 10]
Consensus generation:
--cns_min_cov Minimum number of reads required so that the respective position in the consensus sequence
is NOT hard masked. [default: 20]
--cns_gt_adjust Minimum fraction of reads supporting a variant which leads to an explicit call of this
variant (genotype adjustment). The value has to be greater than 0.5 but not greater than 1.
To turn genotype adjustment off, set the value to 0. [default: 0.9]
--cns_indel_filter Minimum fraction of reads supporting an indel which leads to an integration to the consensus sequence.
Low frequency indels can be false positives introducing frameshifts. Since the IUPAC code is not able
to model a base-or-gap case, those indels would be integrated in the IUPAC and masked consensus.
To turn indel filtering off, set the value to 0. [default: 0.6]
Updated for linage assignment and mutation calling:
--update Update pangolin and nextclade [default: false]
Depending on the chosen profile either the conda environment (profiles 'standard', 'conda', 'mamba')
or the container (profiles 'docker', 'singularity') is updated.
--pangolin_docker_default Default container tag for pangolin [default: rkimf1/pangolin:4.2-]
--nextclade_docker_default Default container tag for nextclade [default: rkimf1/nextclade2:2.13.1--ddb9e60]
--pangolin_conda_default Default conda packages for pangolin [default: bioconda::pangolin=4.2 bioconda::pangolin-data=]
--nextclade_conda_default Default conda packages for nextclade [default: bioconda::nextclade=2.13.1]
--nextclade_dataset_name Default dataset name for nextclade [default: sars-cov-2]
--nextclade_dataset_tag Default dataset tag for nextclade [default: 2023-04-18T12:00:00Z]
Computing options:
--cores Max cores per process for local use [default: 4]
--max_cores Max cores used on the machine for local use [default: 12]
--memory Max memory in GB for local use [default: 12]
Output options:
--output Name of the result folder [default: results]
--publish_dir_mode Mode of output publishing: 'copy', 'symlink' [default: copy]
With 'symlink' results are lost when removing the work directory.
--databases Location for auto-download data like databases [default: nextflow-autodownload-databases]
--conda_cache_dir Location for storing the conda environments [default: conda]
--singularity_cache_dir Location for storing the singularity images [default: singularity]
Execution/Engine profiles:
The pipeline supports profiles to run via different Executors and Engines e.g.: -profile local,conda
Executor (choose one):
Engines (choose one):
cluster Loads resource configs more suitable for cluster execution.
Has to be combine with an engine and an executor.
Per default: -profile local,conda is executed.
Test profile:
Test the pipeline with a small test dataset:
nextflow run rki-mf1/CoVpipe2 -r <version> -profile executor,engine,test
Changes to CoVpipe
- Workflow management framework:
- Docker/Singularity and conda support for each step
- Container/conda updated feature for
- HPC/slurm profile provided
- Fixes:
- Subtract only deletions from low coverage mask for consensus generation
- New features:
(mutation calling, clade assignment)LCS
(linage decomposition)- Restructured report
plots (visualization ofKraken2
(genome quality control)
- Version update (status CoVpipe2 v0.2.1):
: 1.11 -> 1.14- Note: samtools/bcftools#1708
: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.2kraken2
: 2.1.0 -> 2.1.2freebayes
: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.6fastp
: 0.20.1 -> 0.23.2bedtools
: 2.29.2 -> 2.30.0
Workflow overview:
Components originally designed by James A. Fellows Yates & nf-core under a CC0 license (public domain)
More detailed overview with process names:
Components originally designed by James A. Fellows Yates & nf-core under a CC0 license (public domain)
Even more detailed overview with process names and parameters:
Components originally designed by James A. Fellows Yates & nf-core under a CC0 license (public domain)
If you use CoVpipe2
in your work, please consider citing our publication:
Lataretu, M., Drechsel, O., Kmiecinski, R., Trappe, K., Hölzer, M., & Fuchs, S
Lessons learned: overcoming common challenges in reconstructing the SARS-CoV-2 genome from short-read sequencing data via CoVpipe2 [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review].
F1000Research 2023, 12:1091 (
Additionally, an extensive list of references for the tools used by the pipeline can be found in the