simple youtube download micro web queue server. To prevent a queue attack when using NAS as a server, a making account was created when creating a docker container, and a new UI was added. This Queue server based on python3 and debian Linux.
- web server :
- youtube-dl :
. - yt-dlp :
. - base :
python queue server
. - websocket :
- 2023.02.19 : [Patch] Changed the executable from youtube-dl to yt-dlp for fixed error about 'Unable to extract uploader id' and download speed..
- 2022.09.29 : [Patch] Check for updates essential packages on first startup container.
- 2022.09.28 : [Patch] Clears URL input when submitting the form.
- 2021.12.09 : [Patch] Fix proxy setting bug
- 2021.05.03 : [Patch] Fix random mkv or mp4 format when specifying resolution
- 2020.11.13 : [Patch] Added docker optinal variable to support youtube-dl proxy
- 2020.08.12 : [Patch] Added audio-mp3 option
- 2019.04.25 : [Patch] Failed to fetch jessie backports repository patch during build Dockerfile, Add Scheduler update "pip install -U youtube-dl" once a day.You no longer need to update pip youtube-dl when inexecutable in the container.
- 2020.04.07 : [Patch] Audio only option for web-ui and REST call. Change username field type for compatiblity
- 2020.02.10 : [Patch] Modifying so this will work behind HTTPS as well.
- 2019.02.13 : [Patch] binary excution error update, : 'caused by ExtractorError("Could not find JS function 'encodeURIComponent'; please report this issue on ..'. Binary Excution file update docker rebuild,Specify release version in html page
- 2018.11.08 : [Patch] binary excution error update, : 'youtube_dl.utils.RegexNotFoundError: Unable to extract Initial JS player signature function name'. some url like(, Handling Variables on Application Ports for Using the docker Network Host Mode,Specify release version in html page
- 2018.10.06 : [Patch] Prevent thread death due to websocket exception in walker thread after download, add REST API
- 2018.10.01 : [Minor Patch] Patching worker thread dead symptom when moving the browser during download, add resolution 1440p, 2160p(4k)
- 2018.09.28 : [Add functional option] Resolution selectable, Downloaded result html table representation**
You can check the status of download queue processing in real time using websocket from the message below the text box.
Copy the environment template template.env
to .env
and edit this file with the required settings.
Then run docker-compose up -d
The docker volume parameter -v
is used by the queue operation to process the downloaded mount path to the host server
- downloaded docker volume path : '/downfolder'
- USERNAME, PASSWORD : Required variables when you login validation, The start character '!' '$' '&' is does not apply.
- TZ : optional variable.
Variables | Description |
-v host:guest | /downfolder (do not change guest location. expose volume mount to host server) |
-d | background run |
-p host:guest | expose port conainer core-os port to your os (port fowarding) |
-e USERNAME | using it login id, linux environment variables, do not use start character '!' '$' '&' |
-e PASSWORD | using it login password, linux environment variables , do not use start character '!' '$' '&' |
-e TZ | take it to user country, linux environment variables |
-e APP_PORT | optinal variable. default is 8080 |
-e PROXY | optinal variable. set youtube-dl proxy, default is "" |
docker run -d --name youtube-dl -e USERNAME=modenaf360 -e PASSWORD=1234 -v /volume2/youtube-dl:/downfolder -p 8080:8080 modenaf360/youtube-dl-nas
docker run -d --name youtube-dl -e TZ=Asia/Seoul -e USERNAME=modenaf360 -e PASSWORD=1234 -v /volume2/youtube-dl:/downfolder -p 8080:8080 modenaf360/youtube-dl-nas
# use --net=host -e APP_PORT=custom_port
docker run -d --name youtube-dl --net=host -e APP_PORT=9999 -e USERNAME=modenaf360 -e PASSWORD=1234 -v /volume2/youtube-dl:/downfolder modenaf360/youtube-dl-nas
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/youtube-dl/rest \
-d '{
"success": true,
"msg": "download has started",
"Remaining downloading count": "7"
If you want to get into docker container os, excute this command [1]
docker exec -i -t youtube-dl /bin/bash
- docker volume mount setting