Puzzlr is a team based game for making and solving numerical puzzles.
Two teams battle it out to make the best defence while trying to sabotage the other team.
You create defences using puzzle objects. A puzzle object is an object with 5 integers in it as state, and operations defined on the puzzle. The success state of the puzzle has all 0s.
You can costruct a puzzle using a PuzzleFactory
object. first, create
the factory and call add_operation(operation, name, inverse_name
the factory, then puzzle.bulid() to make the puzzle. The operation
object defines what is done to the state, the name is the name of the operation
, and the inverse will always be added and as of such the second name is the
There is an example in Example.py
to create a puzzle, create a python file with the package function in it. Then, return your puzzle object with the package. To serialise the puzzle into a file, call:
python cli.py package puzzleDefinition.py myPuzzle.puzzle
This creates a file called myPuzzle.puzzle that you can send to your friends to solve.
To solve a puzzle, create a python file with a solve function in the puzzle which take a puzzle argument. Then call operations on the puzzle and return the new puzzle.
Then, call:
python cli.py solve solver.py myPuzle.puzzle
And you're done! You can check out what operations are defined at the top of Puzzlr.py and play around with this