Author: Rachael Mohl
Language: Java
Creation Tools: Eclipse, Processing
Last Updated: January 25, 2019
Description: RPG-style game in which the player creates a character and chooses a pet, and then - get this - walks their pet. However, this is no leisure pet-walking game, the player must strategically battle enemies that could attack them on their walk!
Download the JAR file titled 'PetWalkingSimulator.jar'. This file can be found in the Pet-Walking-Simulator repository.
You will need Java 8 installed in order to run this program from the terminal, as this applies to all projects created with Processing. If you do not have Java 8 installed, note that you will not be able to run the program from the terminal, but you are still able to run it with a default Jar Launcher application (i.e. you'll be able to run it by double clicking the downloaded JAR file).
Go to directory in which JAR file has been saved
$ java -jar PetWalkingSimulator.jar