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rmorenoga edited this page Oct 8, 2015 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Evolution project wiki!

This wiki documents how to set up and run the evolution of controllers for modular robot using V-REP and the JEAF framework.

The Evolutionary framework used is [JEAF] ( and the modular robots are simulated using V-REP.

The wiki is divided into various parts:

[Setting Up](Setting Up)


Java Program

The following diagram depicts how the communication between the V-REP simulator and the Java program is done:


Inside the Java program the Main class and the Configuration file define which evolutionary algorithm is going to be run by JEAF and its specific parameters.

In JEAF the individual encoding determines which parameters will be sent to the objective function class. The objective function in turn uses the classes provided by Coppelia in its remote API to send commands to the simulator.

The java remote API communicates with the remote API server in the V-REP simulator which executes the commands and methods specified in the Java program. Data necessary for the specific simulation to run, like the number of modules or the environment settings, is also sent using the remote API, this data is unpacked and read in the robot control script and the InitControl script which are both written in the LUA language.

When the simulation is finished it returns the results data to the objective function by using the same path. After the objective function class receives the simulation results it returns the specific individual fitness to JEAF.

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