I have included the vendor files within this solution so composer install will not be necessary here. This application was tested using postman and below I will give you all the neccessary api endpoints.
I have created api secure endpoints using the passport library which has been included into this solution. So in order to store, delete recipies etc you will need a bearer token first, this will also be included in the endpoints.
The way I have structured this application is we have relationship tables all linking to the recipies table, the transformer identifies the link based on their ids and performs an action accordingly.
Show Individual Recipes/Ratings http://localhost:8000/api/recipes/5 (Get) Request
Add a rating http://localhost:8000/api/recipes/ratings/6 (POST) Request Body: "rating" - integer
Updates Recipe http://localhost:8000/api/recipes/5 (PATCH) Request Body: Example data; "box_type": "fish", "title": "Lemon Sole", "slug": "lemon-sole", "short_title": "", "marketing_description": "The best fish dish", "season": "all", "base": "gnocchi", "protein_source": "seafood", "preparation_time_mins": "15", "shelf_life_days": "4", "equipment_needed": "Appetite", "origin_country": "Great Britain", "recipe_cuisine": "italian", "in_your_box": "sole, gnocchi, cherry tomatoes", "gousto_reference": "60", "bulletpoint1": "simple", "bulletpoint2": "light", "bulletpoint3": "declicous", "calories_kcal": "199", "protein_grams": "30", "fat_grams": "10", "carbs_grams": "10"
Delete recipe http://localhost:8000/api/recipes/2 (DELETE) Request
Add Recipe http://localhost:8000/api/recipes (POST) Request Body: Example data; "box_type": "meat", "title": "Chilli Con Carne", "slug": "chilli-con-carne", "short_title": "", "marketing_description": "The best chilli", "season": "all", "base": "noodles", "protein_source": "seafood", "preparation_time_mins": "40", "shelf_life_days": "4", "equipment_needed": "Appetite", "origin_country": "Great Britain", "recipe_cuisine": "asian", "in_your_box": "king prawns, onion, tomatoes", "gousto_reference": "60", "bulletpoint1": "great", "bulletpoint2": "wonderful", "bulletpoint3": "incredible", "calories_kcal": "450", "protein_grams": "15", "fat_grams": "40", "carbs_grams": "10"
OAUTH Token http://localhost:8000/oauth/token (POST) Request Body: Example data; "grant_type": "password", "client_id": "2", "client_secret": "dlo3gqPC7UQdhegpOu9Bec8Bz2elnPzwAoZvbXpQ", "username": "[email protected]", "password": "ilovecats", "scope": "*"
The client secret key is pulled from the oauth_clients table. This can be created by typing "php artisan passport:install".
Get all recipes http://localhost:8000/api/recipes (GET) Request
Register user http://localhost:8000/api/register (POST) Request Body: Example data; "username": "ryanm", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "ilovecats"
I have also provided some unit tests, I have not been able to vigorously test these API endpoints due to time and middleware issues. However I have provided the basic tests here for the get requests.
With regards to the stock levels, I didn't quite understand where I was supposed to retrieve the data from so I have just implemented a count based on the box_type how many boxes we have in stock.