Home directory configurations(auto backup)
- need install two plugins:
- read the readme markdown file under tmux folder
- Download neovim, and place it inside your PATH, I would suggest rename it to
- when sshed from source box to target box, use vim yank copy text to source box clipboard, you should enable X11 Forward
- example host config inside
Host TargetBox User xx Hostname xxxxxxx ForwardX11 yes
- <leader> is ,
- ,cc ,cs ,cu # comment and uncomment https://github.com/preservim/nerdcommenter
- c-o for go back
- gn gp # switch buffer
- C-6 Buffers # Switch recent 2 buffer, List all the Buffers
- C-l C-h C-n #tab left, right, new
- zR zM # Markdown fold and unfold
- K # check func doc, double hit to jump into floating box
- % # for jump between parenthesis
- ,F # format code in current window
- gd (definition), gD (declaration), gi(implementation), gr(references)
- ,rn (rename symbol), ca (code action: should under virsual mode)
- floaterm related
- ,ff for trigger find files
- ,fn for trigger file content grep
- toggleterm
- C-t to open a right side term
- AutoRun related
- ,gi for trigger lazygit
- ,ap Run current python file
- ,ag Run golang code: go run *.go
- ,am Run make
- t,T for open new tab
- ? for help
- m-p for copy path into clipboard
cp -r alacritty ~/.config/
cp -r zellij ~/.config/