The main goal of this application is to demonstrate how simple is to develop a modular web application using https://github.com/decebals/pf4j
##Application Goal As a DEMO, this Web Application cantains a list of person data that can be downloaded in varios formats such as:
- COSTUM (pf4j-web-demo-costom-plugin)
- CSV (pf4j-web-demo-csv-plugin)
- JSON (pf4j-web-demo-json-plugin)
- XML (pf4j-web-demo-xml-plugin)
Each plugin provides two methods, one to download a single person object and another to download an array os persons.
##Demo See the DEMO: http://pf4jdemo-rmrodrigues.rhcloud.com/
##Project Structure
- pf4j-web-demo/ (Maven Project)
- pf4j-web-demo-api -> This project contains all needed classes to develop a plugin.
- pf4j-web-demo-app -> This is the web application project.
- pf4j-web-demo-costum-plugin -> This plugin allows users to download person data in a costum format.
- pf4j-web-demo-csv-plugin -> This plugin allows users to download person data in a CSV format.
- pf4j-web-demo-json-plugin -> This plugin allows users to download person data in a JSON format.
- pf4j-web-demo-xml-plugin -> This plugin allows users to download person data in a XML format.
- Plugins/ (Contains the plugins)