NodeJS, status update using express, mongoDB
Clone repository
$ cd status-tool-app-api
$ npm install
$ npm start
Optional: If you don't have it installed already, install nodemon globally
$ npm install -g nodemon
You'll need data to run app. The app is currently set up to query a mongodb named "tasks". The data schema looks like this:
title: {
type: String
responsible: {
type: String
description: {
type: String
severity: {
type: String
status: {
type: String,
default: 'Open'
last_updated: {
type: Date,
Run mongodb
$ mongod
For a quickstart to create the db, run the following in a separate terminal window:
$ mongo
> use tasks
switched to db tasks
> db.tasks.insert({"status":"Open", "title":"Model X test", "responsible":"Elon Musk", "description":"Teslas are great", "last_updated":new Date(, "severity":"Medium"})
Once you have data in place, you can run the app:
$ npm start
or (if nodemon)
$ npm run dev
Test in browser or an API utility like
or load Client version for this app and test in client.