Need to install the rviz_visual_tools for the cone marker. Futher information here.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rviz-visual-tools
The octomap dependencies need to be installed.
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-octomap
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-octomap-server
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-octomap-mapping
You also need to pip3 install:
- rospkg
- scipy
- sympy
- planar
- trimesh
- mlrose
- pyrender
- Rtree
To get the last python dependency, Rtree:
sudo apt install libspatialindex-dev
pip3 install Rtree
Add the package to your src file in your workspace.
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
Navigate to ~/catkin_ws/src/rob599_project
mv block/ ~/.gazebo/models
This adds the necessary gazebo models so that they can be imported
Run launch files to get things started.
roslaunch fetch_project_moveit_config fetch_world.launch or roslaunch fetch_project_moveit_config fetch_world_collision.launch
roslaunch fetch_project_moveit_config disinfectant_project.launch
roslaunch fetch_project_moveit_config run_nodes.launch
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Click on the publish point feature and then click on one of the cubes in the octomap. This should populate an interactive marker at the location of the cube.
Once you have at least three (four preferred) markers up, you will be able to see a plane marked by these points and also a lawnmower path defined by this plane, at a height offset.
- Select "Plan Path" when you're ready with the lawnmower path and there are no collision error messages
- Select "Execute Path" if the planned path succeeds without any errors
- Select "Initial Pose" to take the arm to the initial position.
- Select "Tuck Arm" to take the arm back to its home position.
Once you have executed the waypoints, this service call will go back and spray the points that were missed in the path
rosrun fetch_project_moveit_config
rosrun fetch_project_moveit_config
rosrun fetch_project_moveit_config
Give it a value between 0 and 1 (as a ratio of max vel)