Download the latest release with the command
$ curl -fsSL | sudo bash -x
Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date
$ gluster-metrics-exporter --version
Start the Gluster Metrics exporter service in all the Storage nodes
# systemctl enable gluster-metrics-exporter
# systemctl start gluster-metrics-exporter
Above command picks up the Gluster hostname by running the hostname
command. If the local Gluster hostname is different than create a hostname file in /var/lib/glusterd
# echo "" > /var/lib/glusterd/hostname
To fetch the Prometheus compatible Metrics, call the API from any one Storage node.
$ curl
To get the same metrics in JSON format
$ curl
# gluster-metrics-exporter
Available options
Usage: gluster-metrics-exporter [OPTIONS]
--metrics-path=URL Metrics Path (default: /metrics)
-p PORT, --port=PORT Exporter Port (default: 9713)
--cluster=NAME Cluster identifier
--gluster-host=NAME Gluster Host to replace `localhost` from the peer command output (default: hostname)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output (default: false)
--disable-all Disable all Metrics (default: false)
--disable-volumes-all Disable all Volumes (default: false)
--enable=NAMES Enable specific Metric Groups
--disable=NAMES Disable specific Metric Groups (default: [])
--enable-volumes=NAMES Enable specific Volumes
--disable-volumes=NAMES Disable specific Volumes (default: [])
--log-level=LEVEL Log Level (default: info)
--log-dir=DIR Log directory (default: /var/log/gluster-metrics)
--log-file=NAME Log file (default: exporter.log)
--glusterd-dir=DIR Glusterd directory (default: /var/lib/glusterd)
--gluster-cli-path=PATH Gluster CLI Path (default: /usr/sbin/gluster)
--gluster-cli-sock=SOCK Gluster CLI socket file (default: )
--version Show version information
--config=FILE Config file
-h, --help Show this help