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Tiny es2015 JavaScript Router with named parameters, HTML5 pushState and express-like middleware support.

Why Another Router

I needed/wanted a small client-size router for use in an es2015 app. I found Grapnel. It had all the features but had 2 drawbacks. It attempts to be both a client and server router. And it doesn't load in an es2015 app using an import statement. So I rewrote it as an esnext-router.


Install with npm

npm install esnext-router

Or by using jspm:

jspm install esnext-router

esnext-router Features

  • Supports routing using pushState
  • Supports Named Parameters similar to Sinatra, Restify, and Express
  • Middleware Support
  • Works on the client or server-side
  • RegExp Support
  • Unobtrusive, supports multiple routers on the same page
  • No dependencies

Basic Router

import Router from 'esnext-router';
const router = new Router();

router.add('products/:category/:id?', function(req){
    const id =,
        category = req.params.category;
    // GET
    console.log(category, id);
    // => widgets 134

Named Parameters

esnext-router supports regex style routes similar to Sinatra, Restify, and Express. The properties are mapped to the parameters in the request.

router.add('products/:id?', function(req){
  // GET /file.html#products/134
  // => 134

router.add('products/*', function(req){
    // The wildcard/asterisk will match anything after that point in the URL
    // Parameters are provided req.params using req.params[n], where n is the nth capture

Middleware Support

esnext-router also supports middleware:

const auth = function(req, event, next){
      req.user = this;

router.add('/*', auth, function(req){

Route Context

You can add context to a route and even use it with middleware:

const usersRoute = router.context('/user/:id', getUser, getFollowers); // Middleware can be used here

usersRoute('/', function(req, event){

usersRoute('/followers', otherMiddleware, function(req, event){ // Middleware can be used here too

// => Profile 13589

// => Followers 13589

Declaring Multiple Routes

const routes = {
  'products' : function(req){
      // GET /file.html#products
  'products/:category/:id?' : function(req){
      // GET /file.html#products/widgets/35
      // => widgets

Event Handling

import Router from 'esnext-router';
const router = new Router();

router.on('navigate', function(event){
  // GET /foo/bar
  console.log('URL changed to %s', this.path());
  // => URL changed to /foo/bar

RegExp Support

esnext-router allows RegEx when defining a route:

import Router from 'esnext-router';
const expression = /^food\/tacos\/(.*)$/i;
const router = new Router();

router.add(expression, function(req, event){
  // GET
  console.log('I think tacos are %s.', req.params[0]);
  // => "He thinks tacos are good."

Enabling PushState

pushState is the default.

You can also specify a root URL by setting it as an option:

const router = new Router({ root : '/public/search/', pushState : true });

The root may require a beginning slash and a trailing slash depending on how your application utilizes the router.


esnext-router uses middleware similar to how Express uses middleware. Middleware has access to the req object, event object, and the next middleware in the call stack (commonly denoted as next). Middleware must call next() to pass control to the next middleware, otherwise the router will stop.

For more information about how middleware works, see Using Middleware.

const user = function(req, event, next){
      req.user = this;

router.add('/user/*', user, function(req){


You can navigate through your application with router.navigate:


Stopping a Route Event

router.on('match', function(event){
  event.preventDefault(); // Stops event handler

Stopping Event Propagation

router.add('/products/:id', function(req, event){
  event.stopPropagation(); // Stops propagation of the event

router.add('/products/widgets', function(req, event){
  // This will not be executed


404 Pages

You can specify a route that only uses a wildcard * as your final route, then use event.parent() which returns false if the call stack doesn't have any other routes to run.

const routes = {
  '/' : function(req, e){
    // Handle route
  '/store/products/:id' : function(req, e){
    // Handle route
  '/category/:id' : function(req, e){
      // Handle route
  '/*' : function(req, e){
        // Handle 404


API Documentation

get Adds a listeners and middleware for routes
 * @param {String|RegExp} path
 * @param {Function} [[middleware], callback]
router.add('/store/:category/:id?', function(req, event){
    const category = req.params.category,
        id =;

    console.log('Product #%s in %s', id, category);
navigate Navigate through application
 * @param {String} path relative to root
on Adds a new event listener
 * @param {String} event name (multiple events can be called when separated by a space " ")
 * @param {Function} callback
router.on('myevent', function(event){
    console.log('router works!');
once A version of on except its handler will only be called once
 * @param {String} event name (multiple events can be called when separated by a space " ")
 * @param {Function} callback
router.once('init', function(){
    console.log('This will only be executed once');
trigger Triggers an event
 * @param {String} event name
 * @param {Mixed} [attributes] Parameters that will be applied to event handler
router.trigger('event', eventArg1, eventArg2, etc);
context Returns a function that can be called with a specific route in context.

Both the router.context method and the function it returns can accept middleware. Note: when calling route.context, you should omit the trailing slash.

 * @param {String} Route context (without trailing slash)
 * @param {[Function]} Middleware (optional)
 * @return {Function} Adds route to context
const usersRoute = router.context('/user/:id');

usersRoute('/followers', function(req, event){

// => Followers 13589
  • router.path('string') Sets a new path or hash
  • router.path() Gets path or hash
  • router.path(false) Clears the path or hash
bind An alias of on
add An alias of get
fragment (Deprecated)


  • root Root of your app, all navigation will be relative to this


  • navigate Fires when router navigates through history
  • match Fires when a new match is found, but before the handler is called
  • hashchange Fires when hashtag is changed
