Run the following commands (in the root folder) to set up the project locally:
conda env create -f ./environment.yml
conda activate track-insights
pip install -e .
For testing, also install the dev dependencies via:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
In order to properly run the system, please install a database system (e.g., MySQL) on your local machine.
Create a new database and preferably also a new user for this system.
Edit the corresponding fields in track_insights/config/configuration.yaml
to make it usable.
Go to the folder track_insights
, which holds the important code files.
In order to become familiar with the system, execute the main method in track_insights/
This should set up the tables in the database and perform the scraping of 100 longjump results from
the year 2023.
All tests can be run via the console:
pytest .