This repository is excerpts of functionality pulled out of a Ruby on Rails App I have architected. It aims to show the use interesting features and best practices in Rails Development. (In a consise manner, full Model code or supporting files are not included)
Here exists a Video resource for an app that is both a website and Application (iOS,Andoid) API endpoint.
To reduce maintenence both the website and Application use the API. The website uses Backbone Models to achive this. The API is versioned, following RESTful principles.
- versioned API, only RESTful actions
- Uses Mongoid
- 'symbolize' for enumeration
- Hotness (ie. Reddit hotness algoirthm) extracted out into own class /lib/hotness.rb
- Sidekiq after_create to async kick off a Transcode worker
- Shared code for adding Links Headers for Pagination (
- WrapParams as non-envloped params sent to controller ( as per
- index action builds up Mongoid criteria from filtering/sorting paramaters
- Uses SettingsLogic to pull out app settings (pagination page count)
- update/destroy actions use authorizer ( 'authority' gem)
- defult render: json uses serializer (ActiveModelSerializers) - app/serializers/video_serializer.rb
- bootstrap elements to create filter/sort menus
- uses BackbonePageableCollection to create very simple RESTful infinitely paging videos
- BackbonePageableCollection picks up pagination data from Link header
- Videos rendered from JSON using Hogan Templates
Design problems that existing before refactor.
- Non DRY controller code replication for web and API (controllers/video & v1/controllers/video)
- Pagination felt much more hacky on web side, and differed greatly from how App (iOS) did things.
infinite scrolling triggered view/videos/index.js.erb which has logic:
if first page or search params change
-delete grid container, render grid container partial + first page
if not first page
-append grid page