pages build and deployment #6
Open API Lint Check
1 failure(s) found
5 warning(s) found
Check failure on line 107 in swagger.yaml
github-actions / Open API Lint Check
no-empty-servers - #/
Servers must be present.
Check warning on line 5 in swagger.yaml
github-actions / Open API Lint Check
info-license - #/info
Info object should contain `license` field.
Check warning on line 28 in swagger.yaml
github-actions / Open API Lint Check
operation-operationId - #/paths/~1motions~1{motionId}~1execute/post
Operation object should contain `operationId` field.
Check warning on line 46 in swagger.yaml
github-actions / Open API Lint Check
operation-operationId - #/paths/~1motions/get
Operation object should contain `operationId` field.
Check warning on line 71 in swagger.yaml
github-actions / Open API Lint Check
operation-operationId - #/paths/~1motion~1status/get
Operation object should contain `operationId` field.
Check warning on line 84 in swagger.yaml
github-actions / Open API Lint Check
no-unused-components - #/components/schemas/Quaternion
Component: "Quaternion" is never used.