LED dot matrix name tag
- 1 x Tilt switch
- 1 x MCP73831T
- 2 x SPDT slide switch
- 1 x 3.7V 130mAh Li-Po
- 1 x 3.3V 8MHz Pro Mini
- 1 x HT1632C LED Driver
- 1 x Micro Mini JST Connector
local electronics store:
- 1 x 2kΩ resistor
- 8 x 33Ω resistor
- 1 x 330Ω resistor
- 1 x red SMD LED
- 1 x 3V zener diode
- 3 x 4.7uF ceramic capacitor
- 1 x 4.7uF electrolytic capacitor
- some female and male pin headers
- instread the Pro Mini Pro Micro or Pro Micro BLE can be used
happy soldering ^_^
Arduino wiring
Sparkfun FIO board
Adafruit EAGLE library
HT1632C Arduino library
HT1632C reference board
Sparkfun EAGLE libraries
Titlt switch istructables
hosentraeger EAGLE library
Sparkfun USB Li-Po charger
Jaycon Systems USB Li-Po charger
Adafuit Trinket / Gemma Space Invader Pendant