A mobile app to help you learn more about the world of Rick and Morty.
- Characters
- Locations
- Episode
- Test
This text you see here is *actually- written in Markdown! To get a feel for Markdown's syntax, type some text into the left window and watch the results in the right.
Applications based on:
- Flutter 2 - Mobile UI Framework
- The Rick and Morty API - Main data api
Plugins used in the project. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.
Plugin | pub.dev |
flutter_bloc | [https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bloc] |
equatable | [https://pub.dev/packages/equatable] |
provider | [https://pub.dev/packages/provider] |
rxdart | [https://pub.dev/packages/rxdart] |
shared_preferences | [https://pub.dev/packages/shared_preferences] |
intl | [https://pub.dev/packages/intl] |
package_info | [https://pub.dev/packages/package_info] |
dio | [https://pub.dev/packages/dio] |
shimmer | [https://pub.dev/packages/shimmer] |
another_flushbar | [https://pub.dev/packages/another_flushbar] |