Releases: robthomson/RF2ETHOS
RF2ETHOS (V2.1.5)
Massive MSP code reliability improvements - particully on TWMX receivers.
RF2ETHOS (V2.1.4)
This version of RF2ETHOS has introduced numerous speed improvements and general capabilities.
Notable changes are
Small bug fixes in servos page
Better clarity when using/not using servo over-ride
Please test this release. Find the bugs!
This version of RF2ETHOS has introduced numerous speed improvements and general capabilities.
Notable changes are
- Swash Leveling & Mixer Overides
- Servo Overide and adjustment
- MSP Link Debug Tool
- Status Pages
- Complete rebuild of ESC system to make easier for future ESC integration
- Complete rebuild of servo pages to support editing up to 16 servos
- Ability to reverse a servo direction and enable/disable servo geometry
- Movement of the system into a 'framework' based approach. This makes adding new tools allot easier
- General speed improvements.
All up its feeling quite solid.
Please test this release. Find the bugs!
What's Changed
This is a pretty large change all round.
- Moving to new versioning format to start tying up to RF releases.
- Supported only by Ethos 1.5.15 or higher
- Introduces new features:
- servo overide
- swash/tail triming
- status page
- about page
- pid/rate profile selection
- Restructure of code saves 10% of memory usage. This makes things run faster
- Mostly completed move to to tool becoming a framework. this allows faster development of extra functions without having hard coded stuff where it should not be.
- Better support of TWMX receivers - which have been quite problematic!
All up.. its feeling rather good.
Please set and feeback any issues you may find.
v2.12 Fix error when exiting scorp / esc timeout
This is a MAJOR update. The code base has been refactored significantly to make end maintenance easier.
Side effect of all this is that the lua now runs more reliable and faster.
Make sure you remove the old folder and then drop this in to /scripts. Its not good to over-write the original.
RF2ETHOS (V2.10)
Many updates to make it play nicer with TWMX receivers.
RF2ETHOS (v2.09)
V2.09 Enable compilation
RF2ETHOS (V2.04)
New updates enable compilation - this results in the scripts being a bit lighter on the host operating system (ethos)
Notable things to consider:
In main.lua you will find a variable
config.useCompiler = true
If you plan to do dev work - set this to off. It means you dont have to keep purging the bytecache.
If you want to re-enable compiled file use - you need to delete the .luac files from /scripts/widgetname/compiled/*.luac
Good luck!
RF2ETHOS (V2.03)
Refactored saving system to work better with TWMX receivers. New setup is smoother all round.