This is an adapter from Replicache's WriteTransaction to some key/value storage.
It's useful when you want to reuse Replicache mutator functions on the backend. All you have to do is provide a suitable implementation of the "Storage" interface, for example against your backend SQL database and then execute each of the mutations in a Replicache push request using them.
also implements an in-memory cache for entries over the lifetime
of the transaction so that repeated reads and writes for same key don't go back and forth
to the database.
import mutators from './my-mutators.ts';
class MyStorage implements Storage {
// ...
const myStorage = new MyStorage(dbconn, spaceID, version);
const tx = new ReplicacheTransaction(storage, clientID);
const createTodo = mutators.createTodo;
await createTodo(tx, {title: 'Hello, shared mutators', complete: false});
await tx.flush();
See replicache-express
for a complete example.
It is important that the getEntries()
method returns keys in order of
their UTF-8 byte encoding. This is a collation option in most databases.
for more information.
PRs and feature requests are welcome!