Call It - is a free app in app store and google play where you can conveniently search and easily find a huge variety of businesses at any point in Israel with all the information you need to know including address, hours of operation.
i developed this app using react-native for both platforms iOS and Android, using Redux, Redux-thunk, Gelocation, Firebase and HTTP requests.
call it displays businesses according to your location or city selected (most of the businesses in the app are in "כפר כמא" city).
The app is published on Google Play and App Store and used over by 1k users.
Home Screen | Business | Food Products |
Booking an appointement | Ordering technician | Ordering food |
- 0:00 - 2:30 general & ordering food
- 2:25 - 2:40 booking
- 2:41 - 3:01 ordering technicians
video - Call it