During the event for java develops, it was requested to develop an API that can do some functions such as:
- Allow Authentication;
- Query Products;
- Receive Orders;
- Cancel an Order;
- Get Order Status;
- Store data in a database of his/her choice;
To develop the activities we received a website with what our API show looks like. (http://api-vanhack-event-sp.azurewebsites.net/swagger/). Based on that we had 11h to find the best approach for doing that in any technology that we think most fit and comfortable to do it. So I starting mapping the entity and the relations between them. And after that, I started using Spring boot + Spring JPA + Spring Rest to fast development. As the main language, I use Java 8, the database was mysql running locally on my computer, maven for library maintance and git to version all the changes during the development. To check if the rest endpoints was good i use Postman application. I also use it to add and get information from the Rest.
MYSQL Database
1- Clone the repository
2- Import Maven Project
You can check all endpoints importing SkipAPI.postman_collection.json to Postman application.
- Rogério Camorim