Feel Connected
As we have gone through the tough time of COVID crises, which taught us the importance of relationships. SOV is a socializing cum content sharing platform but with a little twist. The twist is that it is only Audio based platform.
Here, you can stream some interesting content while on a walk or without having to look at a screen. Being able to share thoughts and opinions, keeping an open dialogue, and having freedom of speech make this platform more powerful and the ability to emerge as a new artist. This platform encourages new artists and developers in that direction also. Being an introvert can be a shortcoming for some creative people who desperately want to create enthralling content but due to their shy nature, they hesitate. Sometimes lack of resources and accessories can be a hindrance to their creativity. Therefore, we come up with a solution by creating a platform for these people and help them to become the best version of themself. Simple steps like reading news, reciting poems, practicing speech could help you to become a great conversationalist.
Socializing On Vocals
|~~~ Resources
|~~~ Audios
|~~~ Testing_Modules
|~~~ audio_feature
|~~~ README.md
MIT License